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I hope he wins

I hope he wins

Trump needs to win and ruin e v e r y t h i n g . I mean, he needs to have the military walking down the streets, the police raiding everything and arresting and shooting everyone for no reason, bury toxic waste in people's backyards, cause epidemics and close most of the hospitals, raise taxes and inflation by 5000% or more, have the military mass execute and bomb people at protests, refuse to send food and products to poor to middle-class communities, lower the minimum wage to $0.02 an hour, mass hangings and public executions, steal women's and sexual and ethnic minorities clothes and strip them nude, make 16 hour/7 day a week work days normalized, take people's kids and all the women and traffick them to crowds of crazed grapists, mass food and product recalls, refuse to send emergency services to everyone except rich people, make a uniform code for every citizen, and even more. Then they will realize the extent that they fucked up trying to be hateful and subjected themselves to being brainwashed by divisive propaganda. Hopefully they'll realize their faults when they're lying dead or dying in mass graves or unburied on the street. #fuckaroundfindout
anonymous Political October 16, 2024 at 6:49 pm 2
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3 Rant Comments
Sounds good when mixed in the religion blender to a neat puree and poured over your nitely poop soup
387 2 days ago
You are drinking tha comyounist cool aid you stupid assahole Trump is are gratest prezadent ever
Francis 2 days ago
I hope all trump women get brutally assaulted and raped daily and are forced to give birth
Hope they all die during the births
anonymous 4 hours ago
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