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It will be a Cold day in hell when TRUMP wins

It will be a Cold day in hell when TRUMP wins

After his calling a fallen solider a fucking Mexican and his talking about how Hitler was a good man I can tell you now people America will never allow that 80 year old piece of fucking Dog shit to be President people are leaving him and going to Harris so he has already lost their is nothing you Fascists pigs can say that can change that...America will never let Trump win and if he does cheat his way in I hope WW3 starts and by the time its over you Trump supporters are all are worthless and do not deserve the air you breath for wanting to do harm to the very country your suppose to protect.....oh btw your God is close to his day he is going to die so either way he is gone so that makes me happy .....he is going to die of old age soon and this world will leave behind that he was the Stupidest fucking man that ever ran for President of the United States. Lawrence: Obama hits 'loonier' Trump as Trump's WH chief of staff calls him a 'fascist' <---in a way he is already know as the stupidest man that ran but the fact that he is dying makes it more sweet to know he and MAGA will soon be dead.
anonymous Political October 23, 2024 at 12:38 am 0
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btw dont even bother replying your a fascist fucking pig if you support this man and you do not deserve to be an American since you are against this country.
anonymous 4 hours ago
Trump wants to emulate Hitler by building concentration death camps to voters who voted for the opposition. And he will do just that. Once he gets voted in, kiss America goodbye and say hello to a Totalitarian dystopia. The only way out of it is through death.
anonymous 1 hour ago
Nope that piece of shit is not going to win his own voters have left him and sided with Harris :)
anonymous 1 hour ago
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