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Ruined my career

Ruined my career

I'm so fucking angry that my graduate school opportunites were taken from me by stupid DODGE. I'm left scrambling for international opportunites. I don't want to leave my family.

I shot myself in the foot last year by applying and not asking faculty for their lab. I am pissed at my past self. Although I wouldn't have been able to go anyway because I was (and still am) fighting a chronic illness. If I go international, I may not be able to take care of myself because of the mystery illness that no doctor can treat.

And good god my mother is so dismissive. It has been my dream since middle school to pursue graduate education. She keeps saying "take another year off..." until when?!?! I can't even look for next year because no one has funding. Lord I want to move out again so badly.
I'm sick and miserable and angry that I can't pursue my career. It's all the fault of a stupid Illegal South-African immigrant.
anonymous Political March 01, 2025 at 12:12 am 1
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