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Immoral public service

Immoral public service

I recently resigned from a public servant job. After seeing the waste I can say that there is something immoral about a restaurant worker who delivers real value to the community getting paid less than a public servant stealing from the community and charging work out at 200 bucks an hour to "calibrate " a tape measure all day that could be replaced for 5 bucks new!
anonymous Political February 28, 2025 at 8:20 pm 1
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7 Rant Comments
This looks too much like a DOGE astroturf piece.
anonymous 3 hours ago
"I recently resigned from a public servant job, blah, blah, blah..."

Can you be any more full of shit, comrade?
anonymous 3 hours ago
Do you work for a Russian Federation troll farm or are you a lone wolf who volunteers his divisive slander for free?
anonymous 2 hours ago
OP, you don't mind if I call you a lying fraud, do you lying fraud? You never had a government job. Isn't your cigarette break over? Those groceries won't bag themselves, lying fraud. Fuck the fuck off, comrade.
anonymous 2 hours ago
Op here. I worked for the government for the past two years. For legal reasons i wont identify in what capacity. It is a fact and it is a fact when i joined the public service i did believe it had value. I was wrong, its a cesspool of union scum. They are mostly 50-70 year old aging, unionist who cant understand why young people dont agree with their rude, backward spomging off the community and backward views. I joined wanting a lifetime job and a living wage all that. I leave thinking fuck staying nothing would ruin my life more. Grocery baggers have more value then bludging public servants. But no i dont do that i started a business with savings because during my public service career and other jobs i have had a second job. I am not lazy like the typical public servant thats why I left
anonymous 54 minutes ago
I worked for the city once. Shitty shit shit shit shit job. 99% of the people were cliquey assholes who were well into their 40s,50s, and 60s who acted like they were in high school. All hanging around the same people that they fucking knew in high school. If you were an outsider then you didn't belong and were looked at like you were a loose cannon with possible mental problems. Meanwhile, some of the people I worked around were carrying out affairs, and another was doing drugs at the job. But all horrible behavior was allowed as long as you kissed the right ass. I'll never fucking go back.
anonymous 38 minutes ago
And I agree with you about how unfair it is in how these lazy, entitled fucks work a do nothing job and just essentially get paid to play high school all day. If you aren't one of the cool kids at a job like that, you get treated like shit. I wanted where I went to be a forever job, instead it got to me more and more and had me to a point where I hated my fucking life.
anonymous 36 minutes ago
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