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celebs suck

celebs suck

Like I am soooo fucking sick of seeing these people in the headlines. Why should i feel sorry for some spoiled brat who was born into in a middle class home if not rich, who lived in california or new york their whole life, who walked into fame for being one some thing that gave them enough money to live on. Who never had to work a real job. who never had to have real responsibilites. who had their ass kissed. Who didnt even have to go to school.

Why in god's name should i feel bad for them in how they don't know, or want to know how to function as a stable adult? THey do nothing but party and blow money despite the dead career, and these retards on the internet kiss their ass and enable them.

And goddammit do i detest the ones who try to discuss mental health. they are just like the loser retards who you see spouting that shit in real life. it takes validity away from the words they spout, as they put labels that don't apply to them on everything.

in other words. fuck washed up people who had one hit song, or were on some sitcom a decade and a half ago. Poor them, boo hoo hoo, they pretend they were exploited, yet in the next breath exaggerate about how great the past they refuse to let go was and still try to live like it is 20 something years ago. Its just like spoiled retards who grow up to be non-functional adults. they CHOOSE to be this way.
Tee Em Zee Other February 28, 2025 at 11:37 pm 0
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