I used to want to be on a TV show. thought that would be the dream life. I remember thinking it'd be a close knit, fun place to be. I was pretty isolated growing up, so the idea of being around the same group of people and having a genuine relationship seemed nice.
Fast foward to now with me as an adult. I've been at enough jobs to understand that these shows are just that. Also, that working on a show is just as cliquey as almost any other job. You're going to have asskissers and that one person who wants to be front and center, and if you don't kiss ass, you're an outcast.
I also understand now that the money for a lot of them probably isn't that great. Most people don't get 50,000 per episode, and the ones who do probably have managers and lots of fees that eat into it
So really, being on a shit show isn't the dream i thought it'd be.
anonymousOther March 01, 2025 at 1:25 am01
The main show that brought on this fantasy for me turned out to be an incredibly cliquey environment from everything that was reported. Non asskissers were shunned, and the so called "good guys" there at the place who were front and center did criminal shit and of course were skit chasers. Learning that after having left jobs that were like that really nailed this point home to me. anonymous 4 hours ago
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anonymous 4 hours ago