best dating

Please shower

Please shower

Please fucking shower before you leave the house.

Skip styling your hair if you're short on time. I don't care. If your hair looks bad I can look away. If you stink I can't save myself.

Wear weird shoes if not obsessing over footwear saves you the time you need to shower. I don't judge people on their outfits.

I don't care if you're ten minutes late. Tell me you had to shower. I understand completely and consider that a sign of respect for yourself and me. If I'm seeing you for an hour appointment we will still meet for the full hour.

Just shower.

I do not want to smell your body odor.

I do not want to smell your dog's shit.

I do not even want to smell what you cooked for your most recent meal.

Just. Fucking. Shower.
anonymous Other March 17, 2025 at 12:46 am 0
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