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Pete Buttplug plugs Anderson Pooper in the pooper

Pete Buttplug plugs Anderson Pooper in the pooper

Pete Buttplug likes to plug Anderson Pooper in the pooper. Anderson Pooper likes to plug Pete Buttplug in the butt
Bruce Jenner Relationships March 16, 2025 at 10:31 pm 1
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19 Rant Comments
I have a structured settlement and I need cash now.
anonymous 4 hours ago
If you or a loved one think Kristen Stewart is hot, you may be entitled to financial compensation. Call now.
anonymous 4 hours ago
I'm Ricky Ullman and you're watching Disney Channel.
anonymous 4 hours ago
I got chocolate bubble gum!
anonymous 4 hours ago
Those commercials that are trying to normalize feminine shit and places where the sun don't shine. Get that shit out of here. I about vomit when those commercials come on. Almost. Make me gay.
anonymous 4 hours ago
im almost positive you are all bots or meth heads because what
honey 4 hours ago
I fucking HATE a meth head. Someone who yells and does whatever they want, and then plays themselves off as the victim? No thanks.
anonymous 4 hours ago
meth head bots, honey
st4g 4 hours ago
Ah! It's Francis and one of his dozens of aliases posting yet another of his sick fuck anal sex fantasies. What's wrong with this child?
anonymous 4 hours ago
Adult Swim used to have that weird ass music playing during commercials. My mom would always bitch and be like "WHAT ARE YOU WATCHING" since it sounded like smut. Good times.
anonymous 4 hours ago
If you haven't noticed, it 90s/2000 night here in this thread. So post something funny. No Trump shit.
anonymous 4 hours ago
People used to say my sister looked like Hilary Duff. Hilary Duff is a (seemingly) nice, pretty person. My sister was an ugly, abusive, sadistic, belittling cunt who I hate. Big fucking difference there. One is living it up in the projects, while the other seems to be living a descent life. One of the few Disney Channel people who didn't turn out to be a pathetic Trainwreck .
anonymous 4 hours ago
I'm probably the only person on this fucking site right now under 30, who even understands these references. Not going to Reddit tho.
anonymous 4 hours ago
I'm glad all of the spoiled bitches and gay guys stopped with the #FreeBritney shit. They want to pretend they didn't enable her and are partly responsible for her now being out of conservativeship and playing with knives and assaulting her staff. LEAVE BRITNEY ALONE.
anonymous 3 hours ago
I want to see the following added to the Hallmark Channel:

The Saw movies
The Sopranos
True Detective

We need more of this wholesome family entertainment!
anonymous 3 hours ago
I'll leave it here. Disney Channel began to suck around 2008. Wizards of Waverly place was always shit, same with Suite Life on Deck and the other garbage that came around that point.

Demi Lovato is a phony cunt. I don't feel sorry she pulls the mental health card like all manipulators do. She was supposed to have been a bully growing up too, not the other way around. So fuck her. And you know what? Yeah, it was pretty fucking weird she and Fez from That 70s Show went out. Wrong that he had a thing of being "friends" with underage girls and then would make it official right as they turn 18. But guess who went along with that? Most 17 year olds wouldn't have been that fucking stupid, so she doesn't get to pull the woe is me card on it. I bet her parents or someone tried to talk to her and she was probably the smug bitch I picture her being when told something she doesn't like,and just did whatever any way. Spoiled bitch.
anonymous 3 hours ago
Hey, whoever wrote that Sopranos on Hallmark comment. Lol. Look up the MadTv Sopranos skit. Don't watch the version uploaded by Joey Diaz, it's edited to where it's not funny.
anonymous 3 hours ago
anonymous 3 hours ago
YouTube has sucked since 2009 and is only used by most to pull up music and TV clips. They're starting to purge most lesser known songs like the recently leaked Eminem tracks, so it'll soon become even shittier. I'm tired of people pretending it's still a good platform.
anonymous 3 hours ago
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