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Adults playing kids games

Adults playing kids games

It's just fucking weird to see adults talking about how they play Mjnecraft and Fortnite. Stardew Valley and all of this shit.

Like if you're an adult and you still have some game from when you were a kid and play it on occasion, or found a copy of some kids game you always wanted and you play it in solitude or with your own kid. That's okay.

It's fucking weird however when you have adults who are playing games they have ways been too old for and act like it's cool.
anonymous Other March 16, 2025 at 12:33 pm 5
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I think it's weird asf that you spend so much time obsessing over how others live their lives. If adults enjoy it does that hurt you? Does seeing Pewdiepie play minecraft destroy your 1 ply gas station bathroom toilet paper thin ego? Do you cry yourself to sleep every night in envy that someone can find happiness in something so small? Are you green with envy due to the fact you can only feel the seven deadly sins? Are you a pearl clutching Karen that belongs to an HOA?
anonymous 11 hours ago
Observing others really actually doing stuff or maybe thinking stuff is not necessary in order to report them to the Morality them all we are told and we do as told.
anonymous 11 hours ago
Oh look, we got the OP trying to tell people what to do as if he is some self proclaimed God. Who died, and made you God, mein Fuhrer?
anonymous 10 hours ago
Oh look, we got the OP trying to tell people what to do as if he is some self proclaimed God. Who died and made you God, mein Fuhrer?
anonymous 10 hours ago
there is dog shit on the rug an we aint got no dog an we aint got no rug..huh?
anonymous 10 hours ago
stardew valley and minecraft are appropriate for kids, but that does not mean theyre FOR kids. i do think , though, that adults are dominating childrens' spaces by being in games like animal jam or moshi monsters.
other than that tho, i think people can do whatever tf they want because im 14 and my friends and i watch baby sensory videos whilst doing school projects *shrug*
anonymous 9 hours ago
Adults should not be on kids Minecraft servers or playing it online. Period. If someone who was an appropriate age at the time say still has their copy of the Xbox 360 version of Minecraft and plays it now and then, that's fine. But 33 and playing Minecraft online like they are 11? No.
anonymous 9 hours ago
I am an adult and don't like video games. That said, it's none of your business, OP. Mind your own goddamned business. People can do whatever they want without a holier-than-thou preacher like you telling them what to do.
anonymous 7 hours ago
All the people pissed about this probably need a refill on their sippy cups and are cranky and need to watch more Barney videos.
The SS Pee Em Ess 6 hours ago
^ You need to mind your own goddamned business, church lady.
anonymous 6 hours ago
And you need to quit pasting that same comment every day. And make a better pop culture reference than some Dana Carvey SNL skit no one under 35 remembers. If you remember that skit, you are WAYYYYYY too old for damn kids games.
anonymous 6 hours ago
Hey, guys ...what games does trump/musk/johnson/vance play?
universal 555% tariff NOW 5 hours ago
^musk plays the "let's see how good of a head shot you can make" while I have my kid on my shoulders blocking it. He wears a bp vest on the daily but uses his kid as a skull shield.
anonymous 5 hours ago
^^ trump plays the "how many disgusting comments can you make about your underage daughter" speedrun game
anonymous 4 hours ago
^^^vance plays the "take my 3 year old out" into a protest area so I can play victim and attempt to discredit protesting even when the Sec Serv tells you it's a stupid idea.
anonymous 2 hours ago
Why are these pukes jeopardizing their kids? I mean really, how low can you go these days? These grown men don't need to be dragging around a token kid like they some dad of year. Hello, we all know you pukes suck as human, stop sacrificing a kid here and there to try and gain virture. It's really queasy.
anonymous 2 hours ago
This comment sections retarded. I remember when people used to be able to openly say retarded before it became a "slur" And why do they call it a slur? Everyone can hear it clearly. They need to change get the meaning of slur changed to "fun words." You can't tell me it's not fun to say retard and all of the other words.
anonymous 2 hours ago
And good God do most grown men now make the most average guys look like Pierce Brosnan. Like if a grown man is not some man child playing Fortnite and ignoring women for the shit, then that guy is automatically ahead of the heard. When did it become okay to be this way? I know of people who were like this in the 90s, so I guess it's not a new thing, but fuck.
anonymous 2 hours ago
I remember when '****' was a cig. Now, it's a slur. And yeah, retard use to just be my kid brother, now it's taboo.
Not sure who took away the words and made them bad. Probably the internet.
anonymous 2 hours ago
"People can do whatever they want without a holier-than-thou preacher like you telling them what to do"

He didn't ace life so now he must tell others what to do to feel relevant to the world.
anonymous 29 minutes ago
Since it's okay for grown men to play these games is it okay to wear diapers too? Can I dwink zooce from uh a sippy cup and pway wif my Fisher Price toys too? Can I drink from bottles and color in baby coloring books like this woman I saw on My Strange Addiction? Can I be a baby forever?
anonymous 25 minutes ago
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