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My boss is high

My boss is high

Zoned out but thinks no one notices. Pale. Has other druggies coming in to give them shit. Acts childish and retarded if you ask work related questions.

All I can say is they haven't started being abusive yet. I expect the score keeping to start soon. Maybe write ups for imaginary indescretions too. They're going to have to do something to try to keep everyone in line. I just wish this shit didn't have to go on.

I guarantee I have been through more in my life than they have, yet I don't do any fucking drugs. If I don't, they don't have an excuse.
anonymous Work March 16, 2025 at 3:11 pm 0
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2 Rant Comments
Your boss is probably going through a hard time in life like a divorce. That is what I suspect if you are telling the truth.
Werewolf Sally 4 hours ago
Wearing a giant goof grin whike pissing on the back of his coat during the meeting was always meant to endear you to who, again?
anonymous 7 minutes ago
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