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Churches been losing members so they elected trump

Churches been losing members so they elected trump

"Churches have been dying for a long fucking time and I think the whole ideal of church being a cornerstone of a community was bullshit too."

I think that's why the creeps did everything to get Trump back into office, because they thought that somehow he would help them to monster people back into their churches. Except this shit is going to backfire big time.

The Onward Christian Soldier cunts never learn that bullying and monstering people around does not work in the long term and people get angry and fight back. Their religion is shit, the people running the churches are two faced shits, and the younger people caught into this. Just the Christian's use of the word "soldier" proves their mindset and yes, we have to fight these fucks off because they don't respect boundaries. They think it's a war and that they have the right to invade other people.

Honestly, I want to walk into a megachurch that is broadcasting mass live while wearing a huge red baphomet and blasting tunes from "Dark Funeral" or "Behemoth". I'm not a Satanist but I will become one if that's what it takes to fight these fucks off and get them the fuck off my grill.
anonymous Other March 16, 2025 at 10:29 pm 0
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What that other person did about churches dying has nothing to do with Trump. Churches have been dying for decades. From what they said, they don't think churches were ever as big as TV shows made them seem.
anonymous 4 hours ago
True story. My last time in a church I was surrounded by two faced, phony hypocrites who ignored everyone who weren't long time members. This old woman who was greeting people ignored me when I tried to say hi, which really out a sour taste in my mouth. I got the fuck out of there and blared "Diary of a Madman" in the car.
anonymous 4 hours ago
A couple decades ago, I read about a guy who attended a wealthy church in Los Angeles for a long time and had given plenty of donations to them over the years. The guy became homeless and when he turned to that church for help, they refused to help him because he wasn't a member. What kind of shit is that? He got back on his feet, but without help from that particular church, though I think some of the much poorer churches helped him along the way. I can't remember for sure, as this was years ago and his personal site is no longer online.

It makes me sick that a church with so much wealth and influence refused to do what the Jesus they allegedly worship commanded them to do. I'm sure that same church also helped to fund Donald Trump's campaign trail.

There are too many charlatans and people with too much money who do more harm than good, and will even tell their own people to go fuck off during times of need. It makes me sick.
anonymous 3 hours ago
^^^ That is the way all cliques are. Once you don't serve a purpose to them, they dispose of you. You can give 100000000000000 percent and then when you need 10, they can't be bothered. It sucks when you see that.

My grandmother was financially exploited by a church until her death. They took her for about 40 something years, got God knows how much. Didn't even show up to her funeral.
anonymous 3 hours ago
^In this case they better hope their religion isn't actually real because I remember something in the bible that says that they will be the FIRST to be judged. Yes, before people like Charles Manson.
anonymous 3 hours ago
I've kind of lost my faith over the years. I see it like if there was a God, they wouldn't have allowed that or the billions of other horrible things that happen each day to happen. All I see is bad people get whatever they want.

And religion is what people cling to when they want to believe there is some balance, or they're horrible people who hide behind it and exploit others.

Far as I'm concerned, if there was a God, this shit wouldn't be happening. But oh, worship him.
anonymous 3 hours ago
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