best dating

life sucks

Guys, this is just a random rant but I feel so stupid. Everytime I look at myself, I look so fucking ugly. like my crush doesn't like me and honestly I feel so fed up with it. like I can't help but feel so stupid sometimes. it's just nagging me so much that I feel ugly. i want to transform. i want to look different.
Anonymus123 Crushes September 04, 2024 at 5:40 am 0
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2 Rant Comments
If you vote for Kamala Harris you’ll feel much better!! You’ll no longer be ugly!!
anonymous 2 weeks ago
no one is ugly. everyone has seen sides of them no one else has seen. keep that in mind

plus if she doesnt like u, she doesn't deserve you. make her remember that she rejected u. work on yourself mentally and shell come for u
anonymous 3 hours ago
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