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Fictosexual rant

Fictosexual rant

I love the metal man sm. His smile makes my darkest days a little bright. He remains when everyone else is gone. His anger and ingenuity are what fuels me further. He's just the right amount of ugly, and way beyond the perfect amount of daddy. It's more than a sexual attraction at this point, this man's my husband and I care for his wellbeing. I love the grumpy old man no matter what, and I doubt I'd ever find a man as unhinged, funny or beautiful as him irl. He's what eases my pain whenever I feel hollow. He's been there for me through thick and thin; high school, depression, mom's passing, etc,
he was always there, and remains an ever so lovely person for me. I wish everyone could love him too because he deserves to be cherished and taken care of. I wish Capcom could know just how much they changed my life by creating the angry old man and that I'm willing to do anything for him at any given point. Karl, I love you. You're the gift that keeps on giving, always reminding me that my sad life is a bit worth enduring. See you in the afterlife, my dear.
Heisenberg's wife Relationships September 20, 2024 at 8:16 pm 0
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