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My life freaking sucks bro. oml. why cant i get an acutal break. im not rlly abgry just on the verge of actual depression not gonna lie. like my freaking dog died and that hit me herder than anyone else in the family. And nobody cares anymore, 6 months later, nobody asks how im doing. like i get it! that was 6 months ago! but they dont ask how im doing emotional-wise at all. like i do swim and sometimes get hurt and theyll ask how im holding up but everyone means physically. part kf the problem is that even if they did mean mentally i probably wont tell them. im rlly good at just shoving it all away until late at night and then i let it out. and its freakin intense bro. barely anyone knows whats actually going on underneath. its just easier to hide it ngl...sometimes i tease myself with the thought of suicide and that sounds worse when i write it. but its true. i wont ever commit im not that stupid. but sometimes a car will speed down the road or smth and ill think what if i walked in front of it? it would be so easy....just bam woundnt even feel it....and end it all...but then i think if my friends and family and ill change my mind. i would be happy to leave this world, to end the bottled emotions without exploding at someone, to put a stop to the awful confusing feelings i feel i cant control, i would be more than happy for the blisa of death. but i wont do it to myself. i wont run out of the way if a tree is falling on me, but i wont be the one who cut it down. you know? just wish i could stop these anger is hotter than sadnes lasts longer...i just want it to end..ij just wannt it to make sense agin, like when i was little. i didnt battle between my emotions every day back then. i didnt worry about what people thought when ij cried. i didnt feel the need to bottle it all up. i wish it would go back to the way it was.
anonymous Other June 28, 2024 at 10:32 pm 1
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I heard that. People act like they're the only ones with an interior life or a right to any emotions.

I'm really sorry about your dog. 6 months is really nothing when it comes to dealing with that kind of grief. I don't expect anyone to be really okay within a year and a half of losing a pet, and even at that point there's usually a lot more grieving and healing to do. My cat dying was the worst thing that ever happened to me, and the way my life goes it had a lot of competition for that title. I still felt like shit about it 3 years later, but then something finally happened that made me realize, as much as I missed and still miss him, he was alright, and I hadn't lost him as completely as I feared.

Anyway I don't know you or anything but I just wanted to say I know the kind of pain you're describing and I wish you weren't hurting so badly. I hope something amazing happens to you that makes things somehow seem better, more meaningful, more hopeful. I know it probably seems impossibly far away from where you are but I really want you, when you become able, to be happy.
anonymous 2 days ago
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