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How to make a grown man cry 101

How to make a grown man cry 101

Ok, so if you have a snowflake male on your hands and you want to make him cry, here are 10 things you can do.

10. Hide his Facebook password.
9. Tell him that his skinny jeans make his ass look big.
8. Hide his lipbalm.
7. Tell him that his hair has split ends.
6. Criticise his Twitter post.
5. Hide his vibrator.
4. Hide his buttplug.
3. Tell him that his T-shirt makes him look too masculine.
2. Dislike his post on rantrampage
1. Tell him that Trump has been the best president in a long time

Now, let's have some fun and wait for the snowflakes to melt as they comment below. Cry me a river!!! Lmao
anonymous Funny June 14, 2019 at 12:17 am 4
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The DOJ and the entire Democratic party is out to get me and people are criticizing me for saying mean things about Biden during the presidential debate! WWWWWWWHHHHHHHHHHHAAAAAA AAAAAAAAAAAAA HHAAAHHHHH! MELT MELT MELT!
Donald J Trump 2 days ago
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