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Does This make me evil

Does This make me evil

Imagine for a moment a world of Order where chaos does not exist anymore, a world where killings have stopped and people don't do crimes because they know the consequences for it. Imagine if someone was to make a video and post it online that would Subliminally change the world to where no one would even know it happened and from that moment on everyone would be told to follow a system and do as they are told. I feel that freewill and liberties have been abused and that people do not deserve them anymore and that the only way to save the world from itself is to change the minds of every person on this planet by force because they will not doing it willingly. I believe in a system that is 100% free of all of the bullshit you have to see on the news about Racism and killings I believe in a system where you are not you anymore but what you have been programed to follow and be.....Control a persons brain and you control the body. I believe in a perfect system where the things of the past do not exist anymore and we are all striving to a better world away from the shit that we had left behind......people may say this seems like the New World Order if that is what it is than we need that because humanity right now is heading into a very bad direction......force change onto people and it ends.
anonymous Political July 01, 2024 at 12:50 am 1
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Did you ever watch psycho pass? Did you not see how flawed that system was? That's what you want? At that point you might as well just purge the majority of humanity altogether and replace them with bots. There is no such thing as perfect control and what seems like paradise for you would be a hell in which happiness could never exist.
anonymous 2 days ago
The idea of a world without chaos and crimes may seem appealing, but eliminating free will and liberties is not the way to achieve it. People are flawed, and as much as we may want perfection, it doesn't exist in reality. Humans aren't perfect beings, and to force them into a rigid system goes against our nature. The value of life lies in our ability to choose our own paths and make mistakes along the way. If we are perfect, there would be no growth or learning experiences.

Moreover, the concept of total control is unrealistic and unattainable. It's impossible to control the minds and actions of every individual on the planet, no matter how hard one may try. People have their own thoughts, beliefs, and desires that cannot be erased or programmed just like that. Trying to do so would only lead to resentment and rebellion. It's essential to understand that some level of anarchy is necessary for personal freedom and creativity. Without it, society would stagnate and become robotic, losing its uniqueness and potential for innovation.

The idea of control through subliminal messages is also highly controversial. While they may influence people, they are not a replacement for personal conviction or self-awareness. Subliminal messages might work temporarily, but they are not sustainable solutions for long-term change. True change comes from within oneself and requires individual effort and understanding. It's crucial to educate people rather than manipulate them into following a certain system.

Finally, the notion that humans are inherently bad and need to be controlled is flawed. Yes, there are negative aspects in our society, but they are caused by individual choices and circumstances. Forceful change may temporarily suppress these issues, but it won't solve them. Racism and . Instead of erasing individuality, we should focus on promoting empathy, understanding, and acceptance. The key to a better future lies in recognizing our differences and learning to live harmoniously together. We should strive for progress based on open communication and dialogue, not forced conformity. Furthermore, the idea of a "New World Order" is often associated with authoritarian regimes and totalitarianism, which history has shown to be highly oppressive and detrimental to individual liberties. Such a system would strip away people's rights and freedoms, leading to an unjust society where the few control the many. It's essential to learn from the mistakes of the past and create a better world through cooperation and consensus, rather than force.

In conclusion, erasing free will and liberties goes against the core of what makes us human. Perfection doesn't exist, and complete control is an illusion. Let's embrace our flaws and work together to create a world where everyone has the freedom to grow and learn, while also promoting peace and harmony. A better future requires understanding, dialogue, and mutual respect, not forced conformity. Let's strive for a world where everyone has the right to choose their own path and make mistakes, knowing that they can learn from them to become better individuals and contribute positively to society.
anonymous 2 days ago
I don't want to be operating on somebody else's standards that are not mine. So no. Unless of course I get to set those standards.
anonymous 2 days ago
No because id rather this universe went back to how it was before the big bang. humanity just make problem after problem and offer no solution
bruh 2 days ago
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