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Why People Love Trump

Why People Love Trump

There's something about Trump that remains delightful. One of the memes I keep seeing on the right is that the DNC set up the debate for Biden to fail so they would have an excuse to replace him. I don't know if they're going to be able to replace him. They may try. There's going to be a movement to try. But that's a very, very difficult thing for them to do at this point. They may want to, but I don't know if they can. They didn't send him into the lines to fail. They sent him into the lines because they believe their own lies. And second, because they thought, look, if we're going to have a debate, we better have it soon because Biden is clearly declining. And they thought that Trump would negotiate with them and they would have him say, well, now, if he can't follow the rules, we're not going to debate with him and they would have gotten out of the debate. That's what they thought was going to happen. Trump outsmarted them. He outsmarted them because he is incredibly self-confident. He knew what was going on and he didn't even care. They sent Jake Tapper, the guy who compared Trump to Hitler two or three times, and he just said, bring it on. Bring it on! That kind of self-confidence is very inspiring. And it was Trump who beat this guy. This was not something they did on purpose. I've gotten Trump right a lot and there's a reason for that. I don't care about him. He's an immoral guy. I don't like him much, but I don't hate him either. I respect him, but I don't admire him and I don't honor him. I will tell you who I care about, what I care about deeply. I care about the people who voted for Trump. They're the people freedom is trying to reach. They're the people I want to win in this country. Working people, but also business people. People who just want America to be prosperous and free. Why did they vote for Donald Trump? This is the thing that the left, the newspaper, the media have not had the intellectual curiosity to even wonder aloud. Why did people vote for this outlier, for the celebrity, for this big mouth? Why did they do it? They voted for Trump because they know the Democrats, the elites, hate them. You could put half of Trump supporters into what I call the basket of the horrible. And they know the Republicans don't give a damn about them. And they don't. They tell them what they want to hear. They go on Fox News and they get their sound bites, but they don't care to do the things that the people want them to do. They let their jobs leave the country. They let the middle of the country fall apart. They take away their freedoms. They pour money into places, into their little projects that don't do anything for the ordinary Americans. They know Trump's flaws. I've never talked to people, no matter how much they admire Trump, who didn't know that he's a flawed individual, that he says things he shouldn't, that he does things he shouldn't, that he has done things he shouldn't. But they understand that he thinks like them and he likes them and he wants America to work. You know, the stuff that the left sells, this race stuff, this sex stuff, it's a sickness. White people don't hate black people in this country. They wish that blacks would pull themselves together and start to succeed and stop whining about things that happened in the past and keep their families together and keep people out of the gangs and keep people off drugs and start to rise in this country. They want them to. The white people in this country want them to rise. They understand the history of this country. Obviously there are racists, but I don't think Trump supporters are racist in any way. This country isn't anywhere near as racist as every other country I've ever been in. And I've been in a lot of them. And that's pretty much the way Trump feels too. He wants people to succeed. He bragged and bragged about what he had done for black people. I don't think people hate gay people. They think marriage between a man and a woman is the bedrock of this country. It is the bedrock of culture. It's the bedrock of freedom. They're right. And that's the way Trump feels. People in this country don't hate Jews or Irish or Italians, but they understand that we're all clinging to this little life raft of freedom that's the only one left and there's going to be friction between us. And we want to make jokes about each other and we want to shove each other and we want to criticize each other and we want to gather with our own sometimes and talk about the other guy and how we don't like him. Trump is the same way. It's just ordinary. It is just real life. Biden lost the debate because he's an old man and leftist policies suck and he doesn't have the sense to bring the party to the center. But Trump won this debate because as rich as he is, as successful as he is, as big as he is, his heart is with the forgotten man. That's why he wins. That's why he's won. That's why he will win again. His heart is with the forgotten man. And no matter what the left says, that forgotten man is white and he's black and he's straight and he's gay and he has faith and he's an atheist. He's people you would like and he's people you don't like. He's an American. There's 350 million of us. There's a lot of us. We're not going to all get along. We're not going to all be the same. But we're all here living amongst each other. The mainstream American is tired of being lied to. He's tired of being abused by these elites and manipulated for the sake of their stupid little theories and their dreams that they want to dream on the backs of the people. Trump wants to live. Americans want to live. Americans want to succeed. Trump wants us to succeed. Americans want to be free and Trump wants us to be free and the Democrats hate all that and the Republicans don't give a damn. Donald Trump represents the forgotten man. Sometimes he does it well. Sometimes he does it badly. But he does it almost alone among the elites and among the political class because he actually hears the voice of the people. And I hope to hell he wins again in November.
anonymous Political July 02, 2024 at 10:18 pm 0
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Trump wants to take freedoms and human rights from everyone. You're just one of the blind brainwashed masses. He doesn't care about anything but himself.
anonymous 2 days ago
Since his last election, former President Donald Trump has consistently undermined freedoms and human rights through a series of policies and actions. One of the most prominent examples was his administration's policy of separating children from their parents at the border, which has resulted in thousands of families being torn apart and detained in inhumane conditions. Additionally, his travel ban targets Muslim-majority countries and restricts the entry of immigrants and refugees from these regions, which goes against the principles of religious freedom and tolerance.
Furthermore, Trump's regime has been characterized by chronic lying. He has made false statements and spread misinformation on a range of issues, from the size of his inauguration crowd to his tax returns. His relentless use of social media platforms to spread disinformation has further eroded public trust in government institutions and fostered a culture of distrust and division.
Trump is also one of the world's greatest conmen. He has built his career on fraudulent business practices, including bankruptcy filings, stiffing contractors, and engaging in shady deals with mafia-linked figures. His leadership style is similarly characterized by a penchant for deception, as he frequently makes promises he knows he cannot keep and exploits people's fears and insecurities for personal gain.
Additionally, Trump has a long history of threatening and bullying others. His behavior toward women, immigrants, journalists, and political opponents has been marked by a pattern of aggression and intimidation. He has incited violence at rallies, attacked private citizens on social media, and publicly disparaged the integrity of government officials who dare to challenge him.
Some of the most horrible things said and done by Donald Trump include:
- Calling Mexican immigrants "rapists" and suggesting that they are responsible for bringing crime and drugs into the United States
- Describing certain countries as "shitholes" and suggesting that immigrants from these nations should not be allowed into the US
- Encouraging violence against protestors at his rallies, remarking that "I'd like to punch him in the face" about a protestor
- Mocking a disabled journalist during a campaign rally
- Making lewd comments about women during a 2005 taping
- Praising dictators such as Vladimir Putin and Kim Jong-un, while denigrating democratic allies like Canada and France
- Separating children from their parents at the border and detaining them in inhumane conditions
In conclusion, Donald Trump is undermining freedoms and human rights, chronically lies, is a conman, threatens and bullies others, and engages in a variety of horrible behaviors. His actions reveal a lack of concern for the well-being of others and an unwillingness to uphold the values that make democracy function. It is crucial that we hold him accountable for his actions and work towards a more just and eq uitable society that values the rights and dignity of all individuals.
anonymous 2 days ago
You should show only true and total loyalty to the crown! The Ministry of Fear will put us all to the test...DO NOT FAiL...Buy all the Trump gear so that the Morality Police and the Revenge Rangers will see youy as LOYAL and OBEDIENT. Report all neighbors, co workers, family and children who dare dissent, all who do not believe all that he tells...all who dare question the Master, report them all to the Ministry of Fear...
anonymous 2 days ago
I like how people are saying op is brainwashed, which reveals how brainwashed they actually are. Op doesn't adore Trump. He said it himself. And to the other guys comment, Trump never mocked a disabled journalist. That movements he made are typical of him since he's used them almost everywhere. Everyone's made lewd comments about women, so nothing unusual there. And he's never praises dictators. He's only respected them rather than disregarded them. Separating children at the border was Obama's actions with the camps he made. The Muslim-ban was justified since it focused on probable cause since they were terrorist countries. He didn't call Mexicans rapists; rather, he called the cartel members and MS13 people rapists. Certain countries are shitholes when you see what the citizens go through there. So, again, the brainwashed people aren't the OP, but the people commenting above me.
anonymous 2 days ago
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