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I'm trying to avoid a bunch of people and I can't keep track of everything . You fucking people are always watching and analyzing and assuming every move I make is in response to someone. IM NOT YOU!!!! when I move about it is for a work related purpose or to avoid you creepy fucks seeing me. I knew when I saw Kelly there was another little something floating about a long with the other million somethings you gossipy little tards talk about. Dude I already said you're ugly! I already said I wasn't attracted to her either. I can't imagine you people don't have mirrors. ugly apes and in attractive people in general are not on my radar.
anonymous Work July 02, 2024 at 5:21 pm 1
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Stop asking me that ape. You know asking if you're ok is just trying to say "fix your fix into something that doesn't anger me". You fat ugly black fucking gorilla. DONT FUCKING LOOK BITCH! fuck around and try to subtly threaten me with that shit and watch me get what In my car and put a few in your chest. Stop thinking you can control people just because you can win in a fight. Can you dodge a fucking bullet!? That's the only question you should be asking.
anonymous 3 days ago
Why do you fucking retards keep taking the calipers when you KNOW I'll have to run the fucking machine after you
anonymous 3 days ago
5:51 nosey chimp from forming department past. Another nosey gossipy man child.
anonymous 3 days ago
To computer to punch in on job BECAUSE THATS WHAT YOURE SUPPOSED TO FUCKING DO AND THERES INLY INE FUCKIMG COMPUTER RO DO THAT ON at 5:13. So creepy cripple back past at 6:13 and fat ugly ape Richard to machine across from mine seconds later. 6:14 chimp from other department past. Keeps walking by. Back past of course for the fifth time at 6:16. I'm going to make sure when I check the CAMERA footage. You're not going to be able to play the I'm just a hardworking white man card adamski you fucking weirdo.
anonymous 3 days ago
Fat ugly ass ape richard spying . Always watching. It sees me go to lunchroom or of course it's spying to see where I went or just to provoke me. Ugly ass dumb apes. Always stuck with childlike minds. You have gray hair but act like a child. You ugly old fuck MIND YOUR BUSINESS.
anonymous 3 days ago
9:38 3rd shift fat black ass predator past
. 9:39 fat ugly stalker and ape Richard past.

anonymous 3 days ago
Why does the fat ape keep putting his chair in the aisles? So it can see everybody and keep tabs when leave anywhere and so it can see that woman coming. It also wants to see where I am at break times and see where I'm looking. Fucking GROSS AND PATHETIC. typical nig.
anonymous 3 days ago
9:51 that woman past from lunchroom likely. She must've went the other way around and rich SITTING IN THE AISLES FOR EXACTLY THIS REASON ,the creepy old fucking ape , must've seen and followed into the lunchroom at such a weird time for that. You see what letting gossip slip does? You clearly see this creepy aggressive ape on your camera you only check when people are late.
anonymous 2 days ago
Dondi, a lanky long-haired game developer, always had a late-night ritual of unwinding after a long day of coding. He'd crack open a cold beer and fire up his laptop, immersing himself in his latest project. But tonight, the stress of impending deadlines had him feeling restless. After finishing his beer, he decided to take a stroll through the picturesque fields behind his house to clear his mind. Little did he know, this would lead to an encounter that would blow his mind in more ways than one.

As he walked, he stumbled upon Bobert, a gentle donkey with soft brown eyes and a curious demeanor. The two had always been friendly towards each other, as Dondi often brought carrots as treats when they'd cross paths. Tonight, however, Bobert took a sudden interest in Dondi, nudging him closer to the fence until they were nearly face-to-face. Dondi hesitated at first but found himself compelled by the donkey's enthusiasm. It wasn't long before Bobert's lips brushed against his neck, sending shivers down his spine.

Feeling somewhat tipsy from the beer and caught off guard by the unexpected intimacy, Dondi reciprocated the gesture. He wrapped his hand around the donkey's neck and stroked its mane as their kisses deepened. He felt Bobert's warm breath against his ear as the donkey whispered softly, "Gimme some sugar." Dondi chuckled nervously, but something about the situation excited him.

Without hesitation, he unzipped Bobert's pants, revealing a hardened member eager for attention. Dondi leaned in closer and took it into his mouth, surprised by how soft and velvety it felt against his tongue. Bobert's hips began to move, urging him on as Dondi took more of the donkey cock into his mouth, feeling it stretch his jaw. His free hand roamed over Bobert's supple ass, gripping the firm cheeks as he started to bob his head up and down, sucking steadily. It wasn't long before he grew more comfortable with the act, taking pleasure in the taste and texture of Bobert's cock.

Their kisses intensified throughout their oral exploration, their bodies grinding against each other in rhythm. Dondi's heart thumped wildly against his chest while Bobert let out low moans that sent shivers down his spine. It was an erotic dance of sorts, with Bobert's tail flicking lazily behind him as he enjoyed every moment. As he felt himself about to cum, Dondi pulled away, not wanting to choke on the animal's large member. He gently licked the remaining pre-cum from Bobert's tip before the donkey exploded all over his face and chest, covering him in a warm, sticky substance.

Bobert nuzzled against Dondi, the scent of damp fur and beer filling the air as they shared a moment of intimacy. His heart racing, Dondi could hardly believe what had just happened. But then Bobert did the unexpected – he turned around and presented his ass, asking for more with a soft whinny. Dondi hesitated for only a moment before deciding to go with it. He gave the donkey's ass cheek a soft slap, not sure what else to do. Bobert responded with another soft moan, encouraging him. Dondi lined up his erection at the entrance of the donkey's waiting hole and slowly pushed inside. Despite the tight fit, it went in surprisingly smoothly. He started to move slowly, getting a feel for Bobert's insides. The sensation was unlike anything he'd ever experienced, the warmth and tightness surrounding him. As he went deeper, he couldn't help but let out a soft moan of pleasure. Bobert's body shifted, meeting each thrust eagerly.

Dondi gripped the donkey's hips, resting his weight on one hand to help him keep up the pace. He furrowed his brows in concentration, focusing on the sensations washing over him. It felt incredible, almost primal. The sounds of their combined breathing filled the night air as they found a rhythm together. Bobert's hands started to roam over Dondi's back, leaving goosebumps in their wake. Dondi noticed his own lewd grunts turning into gasps of pleasure as he felt himself nearing climax again. He slammed into the donkey roughly, feeling Bobert's walls clenching around him as they both reached orgasm.

The afterglow washed over them both. Dondi leaned against Bobert, his breathing heavy as he came down from his high. Bobert nuzzled his neck again, gently licking his ear. The whole encounter must have been a dream – crazy town but oh so satisfying. They stayed like that, entwined, until Bobert pulled away slowly. Dondi watched as the donkey ambled back to the barn, leaving him alone in the field once more.

He gathered himself, still in disbelief of what had happened. He couldn't believe he'd just had sex with a donkey, yet he felt an overwhelming sense of contentment. As he turned to go home, he glanced over his shoulder one last time at the fence where they shared their forbidden encounter. Maybe it was the alcohol, maybe it was just a momentary insanity; either way, it felt good. As he walked, Dondi could still feel Bobert's warmth inside him and the soft fur against his bare skin. He knew he'd never forget this night, one that would be forever seared into his memory.
anonymous 2 days ago
Jesus. That fat black fucker can move whatever it needs to at anytime but as usual his fat spook ass will wait until right before 11 and 2nd shift endtime. Absolute pathetic ass losers.
anonymous 2 days ago
Why are your phones EVERYWHERE. I'm trying to avoid the the cripple and lurch ( the Adams) when I come in. I get coolant there's phones and earbuds. I put away trolley there's phones and earbuds. There's not one but of space that I go that doesn't have someone waiting to have an excuse to be in too.
anonymous 2 days ago
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