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A 4th chance

A 4th chance

Been with my wife for 21 yrs but married for 5. we've both hurt each other in the past but not to bad but enough to understand each others character. Her-silver spoon, me-wooden fork. Ill tell the truth even if I don't want to or if it hurts someone. She will alter the truth in her favor or youll have to pull the truth from her. I do most of the cleaning and cooking. This marriage is based on equality. Lol. We're both workaholics and used to be best friends Until recently. 6 yrs back I had lost my father to suicide the only person who really understood me. My wife is also bipolar and around that time her and I would fight over petty crap because she's too prideful to be wrong under any condition. Anyway pops kills himself mom brother and sister don't work bought and paid for storage,hotel food and everything they needed and paid for my father funeral while my company dropped there prices and I had to work 3x as hard to make money. She told me to leave a day or 2 after and would keep me up late at night yelling and arguing about stupid shit. So 4 hrs of sleep a night on top of everything else really sucked. I do love her don't get me wrong. I understand when a person has a chemical imbalance and there not well. I've probably packed my crap 5 time and when I'm ready she begs me to stay. Everyone thinks I. A simp now lmao. Please be sure and understand I forgive so that my wrath is justified by any extreme. Along the way I also experienced other suicides in the family one after another. I also have depression I too felt like killing myself around that time but I was the only one holding my family together. I let her keep her last name and she didn't want kids. I'm also the 5th by family name. So I've sacrificed alot compared to her. Recently she broke the camels back I had asked her about something she had said that had brought me discomfort for yrs. So I asked her and she said she never said that and I told her it was something that doesn't make me feel safe in this relationship. what she had said was you better watch out when i lose weight. Anyway ls the following day I told her I want a divorce because she is too unstable and that my time would be spent elsewhere. The agree ment when we got married was that she was supposed to get her self help so that way she has no excuse as too why she can't clean or do anything for herself. It's bad man. And the yelling and treating me like shit had to stop. Few years ago we also did marriage counseling and found out that it's definitely her and she has really high standards. Money is not the issue here either. She has too much pride that she can't let go of. So now here we are the 4th chance in order for me to stay she need to change her last name. I made her call her 1 guy friend and say that they can never talk again. Don't worry I know they've never done anything. I good like that. Forgiveness doesn't come with trust. She also has to start therapy right away and I need to have 1 thing cleaned in the house a day so that it's noticeable. Everything I ask for her to do is for herself because she got really lazy and fat. She used to look really good like porn star good. But I've loved her since God had gave her to me when I asked for her along time ago. I was 12 lol asked god for a girl with brown hair,plays piano and is into video game like myself. And bam I got her. God and I are tight like that because I'm a light worker. So now she's looks and feels miserable. I had told her that I would never let anyone talk to me the way you have or disrespect me or lie to me like this. I told her if you were a friend I would beat the beat the day lights out of him. I'm from the streets we have a code. ( family is tied to cartel,bikers,) please also understand that this is her choice to regain my trust and respect. This is my boat now type of deal. I've been homeless and had to move to multiple hotels and had to support my family financially for years. And she was still there for me. Part of me wants to leave because I've given her too many chances and that she still has a split personality and is unable to come clean with truth. I also have money coming to me and my assets are mine because I'm the one that made the investments and had to study day and night to figure everything out. I dont trust her to turn around and take half my shit when she did not study or belive me in the 1st place. I giving her this one last chance she doesn't have to do crap. I'm more than willing to pack my crap and live on the streets. Because without me she won't be able to run her business. I. Not stupid she's probably gonna tell me to kick rocks when her father passes away. But for now I'm going to make her jump thru some hoops nit because I'm a asshole but she will never get better for herself and she would probably never make it with another man simply because once they figure everyhing out they'll dump her. I know I don't have to stay and care anymore. You can give me 10 million and nothing would change. I'm not a weak man no woman can sway me I say horrible things to women when they hit on me. Once told a broad when she said you smell good. You must be ovulating. I wasn't wearing cologne I was sweating my ass off. That lady choked. Lmao. I'm very faithful and proud of it. But like people tell me your too good for your own good. Thank for letting me get this off my chest.
Tony Gonzo Relationships July 01, 2024 at 2:09 am 0
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Coming from someone who was in a similar marriage in the past married to someone with BPD, leave bro. You can give them all the chances and theyll still fuck up then blame you for it. Leaving was the best decision of my life. I had so much peace enjoying my solitude. My life got 100% better. Stop with the forgiveness and move on. You wont miss them. Trust me.
Been there 2 days ago
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