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why bother

im genuinely struggling to find interest when people are so disengaged with others. i keep even trying on vwrying platforms but keep being met with radio silence and irl people have such short attention spans that i cant get long enough conversations without them being bored of it or me.
bruh Other June 30, 2024 at 4:52 pm 0
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4 Rant Comments
Lots of folks these days are brain dead cunts.
Dr Nurologik 2 days ago
too true with that idfk if i couod travel back in time id love to do something away from this internet junk but it seems real life has now become online life and its jsut sad to witness it.
bruh 2 days ago
Tell me about. So many people on Earth piss me off.
anonymous 2 days ago
I wish this planet would just fuck off honestly. I am so ready to be done with the lot of it.
bruh 2 days ago
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