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I’m sad

After an argument I heard my dad say “I regret having kids” and every time I think about it I start crying because I know he probably meant it. My parents insult me constantly like “ur lazy stop making excuses” “u would look so much prettier if you styled your hair/brushed it constantly” “ur so rude “your a (r slur)” “ur a (swear words)”

And other times its “do ur homework or else we’ll take your phone/fav belongings away” “if you leave the house I’ll spank you” “if you open that door I will come over there and smack you hard” “maybe we should resort to slapping/smacking/spanking as punishment” “u never try to do anything you give up so easily” “stop being mad for no reason” I have to bottle up my emotions all the time just so they won’t be mad

I hate my parents now so pls I am sad
anonymous Relationships December 18, 2024 at 9:43 pm 0
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3 Rant Comments
I can relate. Everytime you try to express your feelings or anything of the sort they get mad at you, it's like you're not allowed to FEEL or dislike something. Everytime you want to share an experience, they make it into a lecture. Even if it's not your fault, they blame it on you cuz hey, you're the kid and they're the adults.
anonymous 3 months ago
They forget about the upcoming years where they are rotting in a "retirement home" and no one comes to visit them because they were assholes tward their own kids.
anonymous 3 months ago
>:( The nerve of those people! They oughtta be badmouthed in return for their rudeness.
anonymous 11 hours ago
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