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Tired of my fat boyfriend

Tired of my fat boyfriend

Says he wants to lose weight but only will work out if I work out with him he can’t
motivate himself to do anything around the house or to lose weight even know he keeps complaining he doesn’t like how he looks but keeps being undisciplined. it’s so annoying . Then he says oh I don’t eat ice cream anymore or I don’t eat cake anymore which is true but what isn’t true is him saying he doesn’t eat 2,000 calories per day anymore and that means his weight should be coming down but since he has been on this diet since December he has actually put on weight . We don’t have sex anymore there isn’t anymore romance . And when I had my mental health break down two weeks ago he then uses it as an excuse of why he couldn’t look after himself . He only showers once a week and brushes his teeth once a week . I think I’m falling out of love and/or attraction. He trying to get an OCD diagnosis but I stayed in a horrible job an extra 4 months for his sorry little ass . And his ass is square how unattractive and he wants me to have his kid ? Yeah no thanks . I wonder if it was ever a good idea to buy a house with him ? Did i make a mistake ?
anonymous Relationships March 16, 2025 at 8:24 pm 0
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2 Rant Comments
op, maybe u should talk to him abt this, a main part of relationships is abt communicating right? good luck
anonymous 2 hours ago
Okay OP disagree with the comment because a relationship is about more then that. Just noted a few things you want him to go to gym say hes fat but wont go with him yourself?... maybe you are unmotivated too... next you said you arent in love seem to have contempt even... why are you with him? I dont get it either you either think hes husband material or you don't. You have been with him a while. I can't work women out because I myself I'm fit, no children, i am tall pretty good looking i think but ive seen guys fat, like not particularly bright get girls I probably would be rejected by and then after 6 months or a year are like omg this guy is a loser... but when im with a girl that long its usually me who leaves because usually I just think I've given them a go when i really shouldn't have and they only got worse rather than better as i hoped. But often at first I'm rejected. I cant work it out its like these guys get acceoted at first but rejected later when they het figured out I'm the opposite. The female mind is strange with their attraction. But then i know also really good looking guys who seem to get girls its bizarre
anonymous 1 hour ago
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