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Breaking down what Trump says about acquiring Greenland for its value to enhance US National Security is actually quite true. Greenland has some of the world's largest deposits of Rare Earth Minerals (REMs) which are critical in US military applications. The problem is the climate and terrain of Greenland is currently cost prohibitive with current mining technologies. So in this respect Trump's not being very practical to waste the money to buy a White Elephant Greenland to stick on a shelf unused, when the US can get the REMs for free if needed. Denmark that owns Greenland is a NATO country, and NATO is pretty much a toothless old tiger without the US backing it up. Should things heat up between NATO/West and the Axis of Evil fronted by China & Russia, if it means keeping the US in top military shape, Denmark to save their own asses will allow US access to those REMs and won't give two shits about what means are use to quickly and efficiently access them. Think something like Mountaintop Removal Coal Mining done in West Virginia, but probably 100x worse since there are only about 60K people in Greenland to worry about.
anonymous Political December 26, 2024 at 7:53 pm 0
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2 Rant Comments
Mere pebbles to be kicked and tossed aside at the beach, are these lands to our KING.
gtravel agent 16 hours ago
Go fuck yourself you Trump fellating whore. Trump should be killed with all the other billionaires except Mackenzie. They should all be burned at the stake.
anonymous 13 hours ago
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