A-Frame-Since the Redneck either doesn’t have a garage, or it is filled to the brim with hunting gear, duck decoys and other essentials, this contraption for auto and pickup truck maintenance just might be in his front yard in all its grimy glory. Better still it could be in the back as pictured below. Vehicles of Rednecks are never discarded, they can always be fixed, but seldom are, leaving a landscape that looks like the highway from Kuwait to Iraq at the end of Desert Storm.
Bestiality-Now I have absolutely no evidence of this, but the first sexual experience for a strapping, red-blooded Redneck Southern Boy may differ from experiences elsewhere in the USA. Chances are it will not be Floy-Mae the cute bubble-gumming cheerleader, but it could be Muffin, his 4-H calf instead. Sadly, bestiality is still legal in 4 Southern States. (Edit: We now have evidence thanks to the testimony of Thad Cochran of Mississippi.)
Confederacy-After most wars, the vanquished get it, but not so in The South. What should be banners of shame and defeat are currently flown and worn with pride. Instead of a White Flag, the Stars and Bars are emblematic of this failed and decaying culture. Every year grown men stumble around drunkenly, wearing newly-sprouted beards and Confederate Uniforms, so they can honor the Confederacy with what they call Civil War Reenactments.
For some reason these people want to reenact and relive battles that they lost. Just as unbelievable, there are organizations, such as The Sons of Confederate Veterans , “to honor soldiers who fought for the Confederacy and [and I quote] “personified the best qualities of America”. Really? Which qualities are those, living in ignorance and squalor, or just enslaving other human beings?
anonymousPolitical December 27, 2024 at 12:12 pm00
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