Just found out my wife had about 88 sex partners before she met me
I only had 2 sex partners before her. Well if you include a one night stand then I would have 3 before my wife.
I met my wife when she was 33 years old and I was 27. We dated and got married 3 years later.
I’m 30 now and she is 36. I already knew she had a child. Btw despite the age my wife looks young. But just now that we are recently married I found out that she bang at least 88 guys before me.
She never cheated on me but it fucking bothers me.
anonymousRelationships May 22, 2018 at 6:18 pm30
Remember... that she won't cheat on you. It bothers you because... you started comparing yourself with the other guys, and her with other girls. It reeks of insecurity. Leave the past in the past and make yourself better in the present for the future.
anonymous 7 years ago
Well its a lot but if you are not insecure you should be fine. anonymous 7 years ago
^Sluts are fun, but I would NEVER trust them. Marrying a slut is BIGGEST mistake a man can make. anonymous 7 years ago
This should be a lesson learned: don't ask questions you don't want to know the answers to.
This is the thing: nothing has actually changed. You didn't marry her because of the number of people she slept with. Presumably you wouldn't divorce her for the number of people she slept with. So get over it. anonymous 7 years ago
Who cares how many people she was intimate with before she met you. It is really none of your business. This is from a male POV BTW. You married the woman you fell in love with. Do you really want her to feel disgusted about your past? Be a good husband and a good man and appreciate this woman. anonymous 7 years ago
It's better to have married woman who has experience in bed and loves sex rather than some boring virgin who just lies on her back like a stunned starfish squealing in pain the moment you put the tip of your dick into her clamped up little muff.
I pray with all my heart that i get to marry a slut one day. Sluts are great fun. I take my hat off to all the sluts out there, including your wife.
anonymous 7 years ago
So she isn’t who you thought she was. I understand your concern. It would have been better if she had told you before you were married, for many reasons. It is important to know who we are married to. she is not an innocent woman by any means and if you saw her that way that would be a problem. Then there are the reasons why people sleep around and have many different partners. Psychologically it is always because of something that they are looking for or They experience such as power or temporarily filling an insecurity. In any case those issues probably didn’t disappear when you got married. They will most likely manifest in your marriage.
Good luck. anonymous 7 years ago
Are you crazy? You can ask her to relate about the hottest stuff that she has done with her partners during sex which will make it more fun. I recently discovered some nudes that my girlfriend sent to her ex, two weeks before I met her. I look at them and masturbate often and also ask her to talk about all the horny details that she did with him from meeting him in a car with friends to having sex at her home. It's amazing. Ladla 6 years ago
Congrats you are married to a "former" slut. Probably she is now happy with the vanilla sex you have as a married couple. No more wild sex, blow jobs, 3somes for her. That belongs to her past. But once she gets bored she will in secret search again for that well endowed player alpha type of guy and have tons of sex behind you're back while you make long hours at work to be able to provide her. And if you are lucky she lets have sex with her once or twice in a month. The sex you higly appreciate as love between 2 people she gives away freely to every man who just passes by. Statistically it is proven that woman with high partnercount are likely to divorce! angrybird 6 years ago
It's her body and her life, your opinion has literally 0 significance, sorry. If you don't like it, leave. anonymous 5 years ago
I married a slut too and don't regret it. Great girl and smoking hot, which is why she could fuck anybody she wanted. The result is she's a hot fuck and she knows how to suck cock. We've been married for 36 years now and I'm happy as can be. The couple of idiot prudes above who don't approve probably never get laid anyway. Get over it and enjoy a woman who knows how to please a man. WellFuckedHubby 5 years ago
The ones telling you it's not a big deal are women who are sluts or men whose wife sluts around on them.
It is a big deal. You shouldn't trust her to go to a restaurant bathroom alone because she may bang a busboy or two on the way. Truth 5 years ago
Gotta have big brass balls to live with a woman that liberated. She may we’ll sleep around. Just let her know subtly that you can and will do the same but only if u have to cause she’s better. Also if she bangs other guys she could bring home a deadly disease so u gotta grow into the man she needs. And also be aware that if you slip or hit a rough patch that yes she could. There is a bad girl in every woman. As men we have to accept them as they are and just work around it to get our needs met. To a certain extent life is a constant battle but there is a fine line between healthy and toxic and as with any relationships it’s a lot about what your e prepared to tolerate. What about swingers parties? My name 5 years ago
Did she tell you 88? Are u insecure? Constantly badgering her about this stuff? Or did she just throw out 88? As in 77, 33, 111,2222,etc. did she count each one and describe each? Women can remember this stuff. 88 sounds like a made up
Number. Could mean she thinks ur a jerk, which means she will eventually leave. Or she’s just throwing out a. Ballpark number. Loosy goosy. And it is rough to think about all the other guys who have been there. But she probably a really good lay and it sucks being Married to a woman who is bad in bed. U would wind up looking. As long as she’s not toxic it’s up to u to pick ur poison and get as much out of the relation ship as u can. Truth is nothing lasts forever. Make hey hike the sun shines. And above all accept women as they are. Primal My other name 5 years ago
Run ! George 5 years ago
Don't expect the worst until the worst happens. As a virgin I can definitely confirm that we are boring in bed so you're pretty lucky. Just enjoy your relationship as it is right now and don't worry about anything. All that crap can weigh down a relationship and she may end up cheating on you. And her cheating on you has nothing to do with whether she's had many sexual partners or not. A need for women to cheat comes from emotional attachment to someone else or a need for sexual fulfillment that means that any woman can cheat on you even her! Good luck!! Girl next door 5 years ago
it bothers you because youre toxic Amelia Smith 5 years ago
Great perspective Bill 4 years ago
So what. Shes likely lying anyway, even for a promiscous type that is a lot of people, of course she could be suffering sex addiction. This is more about you than her. Lobbon 4 years ago
Her past is your business. A persons past matters. That's why businesses have background checks, a resume, grades in school, your criminal record is considered in legal proceedings, registering a sex offender. All of a sudden because its someone's sexual past it doesn't matter? People can make excuses all they want, but in real life a persons history of choices and behavior is extremely important. Stan 3 years ago
^ That is for the purpose of taking a person on credit honey. Marriages are not a thing like business transactions. Brutal honesty sets the stage for painful unification with another human being, at the expense of wiping all capital gains and losses to 0, ohm. Stan the problem is the church is not legitimate and cannot spooky magic glue the marriages together anymore like they could in mama's days. And the marriage partners have the fake expectation of a damaged marriage ceremony as a business tranny. Well, that is not it at all. Praying that y'all find the peraon who completes you. anonymous 3 years ago
Put her to the DICK! Since she was a slut she will have no problems doing every nasty thing you want. Make her. If you feel bad still when you think about her past, put her ON YOUR DICK and make her pay. Treat her like a queen everywhere except the bedroom, but in the bedroom, she needs to serve your dick and give you every indication that you're the boss of her. Triz 3 years ago
Yes the past matters! In every other aspect of life we look to the past to predict the future. Why? Its typically right and we have nothing else. Would you buy stock without looking at its history? I hope not. You are investing in your own future and have every right and obligation to use every tool available to make the best decision for you! Yes her sexual history matters, bioligacally speaking she will loose her ability to pair match after 3 to 5 partners. THIS MATTERS! This means you are replaceable. You are number x. Nothing more nothing less. In my experience you will suffer and hurt if you stay. But, and depending on the woman, it can be amazing. It all depends on how she views her past. If she believes that its her body her right or how dare you judge me or it shouldnt matter....... RUN. Would it matter to her if you were gay before her? Or that you were convicted of rape 5 yrs ago? If she talks about it and with compassion and understanding sees your viewpoit you may have a keeper. Nevertheless make no mistake, the past matters.... a fucking lot! This is your future, your life and if divorce, your lifetimes work that you risk in not using the ONLY tool available to best predict the future behavior of your signifigant other or anyone for that matter. Would you trust someone who raped children and was convicted 88 times prior to babysitting your kids? Of course not, its willful neglect!
Dont be a fool. Use every tool availabe to make an informed decision.
Good luck! stacyadvice 2 years ago
You are pathetic, and I hope you know that. I hope your wife leaves you for someone who isn't a woman shaming, holier than thou, judgemental douche flute who probably is just jealous that people desired her and you could barely score a second date. You are not better than her because you have a lower body count, but well done for showing the internet that even a 30 year old grown man can still be a patheitc jealous insecure tiny little boy. Absolute fucking child. I truely wish you the worst :) Shannon 2 years ago
He's talking shit. Sus choice to use 88 - or HH. Classic neo-Nazi dogwhistle shit. Seen this sort before. He's a far right piece of shit. anonymous 2 years ago
It's actually more of a monogamous breatharian dog whistle. 8 is the atomic number of oxygen, which occurs in nature diatomically, meaning two oxygen atoms bound together. The idea (in monogamous breatharian comunities) is that earth binds together oxygen, putting life in the humans through breath, and so marriage is like breath. It's supposed to symbolize the universal union of marriage or something. Not accusing OP of being an exclusive breatharian. Many people are recognizing the benefits of clean air, clean water, and good whole foods nowadays, so he's not nec one of 'those people'. It's hard to tell for sure. The inclusion of all the numbers divisible by 3 indicates a pervasive subtext of intrusion on the diatomic marriage by an unknown third party, multiplying itself into all kinds of shadowy horrors. .. 2 partners, 3 "if you count..." and then trailing off into all kinds of anxieties. You breath? anonymous 2 years ago
bound together each having eight brotons in a union of two
universe binds together oxygen
either that or your lungs are full of <<<Heil Hitler>>> dog whistles and water is a HH led by one A. H2O equals reincarnation of Adolf leading his wolf pack.
(I don't like that dog whistle train of thought.) anonymous 2 years ago
She's been with 88 people and she decided you were the one worth marrying. Dude, what are you mad about? You're clearly in the upper 2% of men in her mind, despite only having three opportunities in your life to develop your skills. You're either a natural love machine or the world's quickest study. Stop whining and start bragging! anonymous 2 years ago
I'm only bothered by it when she refuses me sex. Given her history and knowing that others (many of lower quality) got to have their way with her, and she then refuses me when she let them.
I know it is stupid, but still it is a huge ego check.
Alternatively, having only 2-3 partners for a male is unusual (at least based on the people I've known). I've had somewhere around 30-36 partners, I honestly don't remember any more. So maybe if the issue is experience, then you probably married too soon and needed to sew your wild oats so to speak. Anonymous 2 years ago
Once a slut you’re always a slut. Used. That’s what a slut is. You’re not insecure because your wife has sucked off two entire football teams of men. The person who said you’re insecure is probably in her late 30’s or older and still gives head in a parked car. Sluts are great for practice but should never be taken seriously to the game. Get her a jizz rage and print get it all off especially the eyes and hair on it. On the back print slut. Leave. Problem solved. Within in couple months her legs will open along with her mouth for a bunch of new men. She’ll use that rag. It was actually a nice gift. Her insecurities told her otherwise, but now she’ll know. anonymous 1 year ago
I think you both technically are sluts. Just she was sluttier than you. I know many who wouldn't have dated you because you are a slut to them. So whatever. anonymous 1 year ago
@Amelia Smith
Being bothered by your wife being an unfaithful piece of shit whore is "toxic"... okay Amelia, don't let your daddy issues clog the internet, thanks Bobby 1 year ago
Only bugs me now that her sex drive has dropped and i dont get sex much anymore i get insecure and wonder if they were better. I do get head every week though. Egan 11 months ago
^ Kill yourself with that spammin' bullshit, fucker! anonymous 9 months ago
If you are still with her then you deserve her. Think about that. What are your standards. She hid important info from you before you two married, so if it doesn't meet your standards, divorce her and move on. Joshua 7 months ago
Hey Shannon - your a waste of good air! Jay 16 hours ago
37 Rant Comments
anonymous 7 years ago
anonymous 7 years ago
anonymous 7 years ago
This is the thing: nothing has actually changed. You didn't marry her because of the number of people she slept with. Presumably you wouldn't divorce her for the number of people she slept with. So get over it.
anonymous 7 years ago
anonymous 7 years ago
I pray with all my heart that i get to marry a slut one day. Sluts are great fun. I take my hat off to all the sluts out there, including your wife.
anonymous 7 years ago
Good luck.
anonymous 7 years ago
Ladla 6 years ago
angrybird 6 years ago
anonymous 5 years ago
WellFuckedHubby 5 years ago
It is a big deal. You shouldn't trust her to go to a restaurant bathroom alone because she may bang a busboy or two on the way.
Truth 5 years ago
My name 5 years ago
Number. Could mean she thinks ur a jerk, which means she will eventually leave. Or she’s just throwing out a. Ballpark number. Loosy goosy. And it is rough to think about all the other guys who have been there. But she probably a really good lay and it sucks being Married to a woman who is bad in bed. U would wind up looking. As long as she’s not toxic it’s up to u to pick ur poison and get as much out of the relation ship as u can. Truth is nothing lasts forever. Make hey hike the sun shines. And above all accept women as they are. Primal
My other name 5 years ago
George 5 years ago
Girl next door 5 years ago
Amelia Smith 5 years ago
Bill 4 years ago
Lobbon 4 years ago
Stan 3 years ago
anonymous 3 years ago
Triz 3 years ago
Dont be a fool. Use every tool availabe to make an informed decision.
Good luck!
stacyadvice 2 years ago
Shannon 2 years ago
anonymous 2 years ago
anonymous 2 years ago
universe binds together oxygen
either that or your lungs are full of <<<Heil Hitler>>> dog whistles and water is a HH led by one A. H2O equals reincarnation of Adolf leading his wolf pack.
(I don't like that dog whistle train of thought.)
anonymous 2 years ago
anonymous 2 years ago
I know it is stupid, but still it is a huge ego check.
Alternatively, having only 2-3 partners for a male is unusual (at least based on the people I've known). I've had somewhere around 30-36 partners, I honestly don't remember any more. So maybe if the issue is experience, then you probably married too soon and needed to sew your wild oats so to speak.
Anonymous 2 years ago
anonymous 1 year ago
anonymous 1 year ago
Being bothered by your wife being an unfaithful piece of shit whore is "toxic"... okay Amelia, don't let your daddy issues clog the internet, thanks
Bobby 1 year ago
Egan 11 months ago
anonymous 9 months ago
anonymous 9 months ago
Joshua 7 months ago
Jay 16 hours ago