I told my parents that I cannot continue dating the PhD guy. I had a fight with my parents over it. The guy may be everything on paper, but he does not care about me a all. He does not even ask me: "How was your day?" How can I spend the rest of my life with such a person. He just expects someone who can cook gobi paratha and palak paneer everyday. I am willing to cook and do all the chores, but the least I expect from the guy is a small token of love or care. At least say one sentence that you appreciate me.
So I instead agreed to date a car Mechanic within my community. At least he seems to be more caring. He has more of a heart. I have to check to see if he is just motivated by my money or he really likes me for me.
I do not allow guys to pay for food on my dates. I either pay or we go dutch. That way, I do not feel emotionally obliged.
Caring men are a dying breed. Marriage has become a business transaction. There is no love anymore.
SusanDating March 22, 2025 at 3:31 pm00
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