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Apple tells the iOS user to go fuck himself

Apple tells the iOS user to go fuck himself

"Oh aPpLe, my Lord and master! please let me install the app I really need to get work done, the shackles are chafing me so much!"

The only "security" I want is security that I HAVE CONTROL OVER. I'm not a fucking serf, I don't need a king and master telling me what to do with what I paid for.

Unfortunately Google's been a cunt ass trying to do the same to android, but at least it's still not at the level of lockdown against the user that Apple is.
anonymous Other January 19, 2025 at 6:59 pm 0
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2 Rant Comments
I hope one day Apple forces the iOS user to wear the Apple Bondage Collar, which so many applebots will gladly allow Apple to lock around their necks because it's so "stylish" and "cool". I hope the locked ball gag comes shortly after.
anonymous 4 weeks ago
^I REALLY want to see this!
anonymous 4 weeks ago
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