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America fell asleep during Obama years

America fell asleep during Obama years

The going was good, and America got soothed into a slumber. Except Freddy Krueger was waiting, and the nightmare continues to get worse as the MAGA Kruger continues to wreak havoc.
anonymous Other September 20, 2024 at 2:23 pm 0
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This was the time Republican politicos realized they did not have to do real bipartisan work anymore to keep their jobs, just obstinate, oftentimes racist, stonewalling against the black guy president's initiatives was enough they found to keep their constituents happy enough to keep them in office. It worked so well for them they decided to expand the model for all democratic initiatives leaving the US in the sorry state it's in today.
anonymous 5 hours ago
The Slave States was jest a waitin for y'all to git comfortable and dopey an dumb..and cell phone stoopid. The Grate Vance and his squeeze Kween Loomerz will fix y'all rite on up, and good. Yuk-Yuk-Yukkitty Yock.
anonymous 3 hours ago
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