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women should be grossed out by circumcised penises

women should be grossed out by circumcised penises

Women should be grossed out by circumcised penises

How can you possibly look at something that you know has been mutilated, disfigured, is dried out, cracked, and calloused, and has a gross, ugly, unsightly scar on it and be okay with it? How does it not gross you out? It looks disgusting. How do you look at it and just think "meh".

Like, dude, come on, they're almost vomit-inducing. Do you just try to ignore it like you do if you see a burn victim or someone who's missing an arm or an eye or has some kind of deformity? Do you just try not to call attention to it and pretend there's nothing wrong? I just don't see how you can look past such a horrible flaw. There's no way I could, and I think you should stop looking past such flaws, too.

If I saw a vagina that was circumcised or had a labiaplasty, I would want to vomit my guts out. I would never, ever date a woman who had one. I could never look past that. That would be a complete dealbreaker. How is it not the same with you and penises? They objectively don't look better when circumcised, they look better uncut.

Aesthetics aside, how does the sight of a mutilated penis not instantly conjure up images in your mind of babies being strapped down and having their foreskins horrifically mutilated and disfigured with surgical equipment and with blood everywhere while they're screaming in absolute agony as they experience the worst pain they will ever feel in their entire life?

Dude, that's the first thing that comes to MY mind whenever I see a circumcised penis, why is it not the same for you? And now that I've put that nightmarish image in your head, how is that image still somehow not offputting for you?

How can you see a circumcised penis, have that horrific image flash in your mind, and then still somehow be indifferent about it or even still be horny? That should completely kill the mood for you. It should bother you to the point where you don't even want to interact with circumcised penises in any way because you know that horrendous image is gonna flash in your mind.

Like, bro, if I'm watching pr0n, and I see a circ'd penis, I immediately: get grossed out, the image of a baby being mutilated then flashes in my head, and then I have to try to shake the image out of my head, like "Get out of my head, get out my head, get out of my fucking head! I don't want to think about a baby being circumcised when I'm trying to watch pr0n!"

Also, the disgust on your part shouldn't be a matter of choice, it should be instinctual and involuntary, the same as when you see anything else that's gross, like maggots or vomit. The sight of a circumcised penis should make you involuntarily react like "EWW! FUCKING GROSS! WHY DOES IT LOOK LIKE THAT? WHY DOES IT LOOK ALL MUTILATED AND SCARRED?!" At the very least, it should make you scrunch your face up in disgust.

I just don't understand why this doesn't happen with women. It absolutely should. What is wrong with you? Are you just that evil and uncaring? Are you truly just a monster? Seriously, just be grossed out by circumcised penises, okay? Just be grossed out by them. You don't even need a reason. Just be grossed out by them just because... Okay? Just because...
anonymous Body April 18, 2024 at 1:36 am 1
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