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Women are too choosy

Women are too choosy

They're always like "I'll never date a guy who" and then they always end up fucking losers. They inevitably end up with one, and then drink constantly for how their bad decisions have consequences.
anonymous Relationships March 19, 2025 at 1:55 pm 2
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8 Rant Comments
you need to stop hanging out in the manosphere and actually meet some women in real life
those useless bros on the internet and podcasts will drag you down into the unfuckable zone
get out now while you still can
anonymous 5 hours ago
Podcasts are the most depressing shit. Either some washed up celebrity, or stuck up whore talk over each other and endlessly ramble about nothing. Like. Comment. Subscribe.

These types exist in real life. They aren't rent just losers on forums and dating apps.
anonymous 5 hours ago
Why should women lower their standards? It appears you don't so why should they? Sounds like the typical white man privledge bullshit to me. Guess what, women deserve better too so how about man up and be a better human
anonymous 5 hours ago
Translation : I am a pimply-faced involuntary celibate. Women are fine with sex, but not with entitled losers like you.
anonymous 2 hours ago
So men can be choosy, but got forbid a woman is choosy. You lose your absolute fucking mind. Then go incel mode and insult her....
Please take a gun and aim it to the back of your throat. Your mother should've aborted you or your father should've shoved her down the stairs. "Boys" like you are not needed in this world, except maybe on the front lines of war you'll be wanted.

Either take dating lessons from a licensed actual person that isn't a tiktok,Instagram,x "dating coach" that's a roided up bald fuck that still lives in his mom's basement and actually learn to talk, act around women. Stop playing the "poor me, I'll never get a woman, cause all they choose is rich, tall, sexy guys! Wah wah wah" that shit looks desperate, disgusting, pitiful. It's your fault the reason why you think that way, your they reason why women are turning from you. ITS YOU! YOUR THE PROBLEM!
No regrets 2 hours ago
"Women are choosy"
So are men
anonymous 2 hours ago
Lol at the shit fit people are throwing in the comments. How many people here were extra choosy and then get preggers with a meth head?
anonymous 47 minutes ago
^ None.
anonymous 10 minutes ago
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