You like a profile and get an almost immediate like back. They might even send the first "hey." You send a message and either get no reply, or vague as fuck poorly non responses with no grammar until one of you finally gives up on the conversation.
This is the equivalent of applying for a job, being begged at 9 o clock at night to set up an interview. Then the interview goes terribly by the empty corporate jargon the person spouts, and how they boast of only being there for two months, and no one wants to work any more.
It's the same fucking thing. Shit attitudes from someone who claims to be looking for someone, yet gives a very disinterested, closed off demeanor to what few people are stupid enough to give this dead end attention. Both the shit job and online dating retard then wonder why their efforts have been futile.
Online dating is the "urgently hiring" of the dating world.
anonymousRelationships March 19, 2025 at 6:05 pm00
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