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Trump supporters need to watch out

Trump supporters need to watch out

If Trump loses 2024 and you all start malfunctioning, you will get bit by a police dog. And much worse.

The National Guard is ready for you this time
anonymous Other April 24, 2024 at 6:24 pm 0
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The military and law enforcement are full of Trump supporters, and lots of them were at the 1/6 insurrection. Many far right militias rely on the members to get combat trained from their time in service, so encourage members to join the service, and then the National Guard to keep up their training. In some of the more rural red areas in states around country the National Guard contingent is made up totally of members of the local far right militia. The military and law enforcement are severely compromised. It is a good thing Trump did not issue orders for the military to seize the Capitol because it could have gone either way.

Remember, Trump used a legal loophole schemed up by Barr (who after trashing Trump has said he'll vote for him again) and sent thousands of National Guard troops to Washington, D.C. They were not sent to repel a foreign attack on the nation's capital but to mobilize against American citizens peacefully protesting the senseless killing of George Floyd. This was a violation of Posse Comitatus Act that bans the use of National Guard units for law enforcement only when they are federalized, meaning they are brought under the command and control of the president, which they were not. They were still under the state control of Trump supporting Republican Governors who loaned them out to Trump and are not allowed to do law enforcement work like detaining and arrests.
anonymous 1 week ago
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