best dating

theres literally nothing that i want

theres literally nothing that i want

nothing. i dont feel attracted to anyone without forcing it so it feels more like delusion trying to find someone decent to like only to then realise im probs never going to be with them or at least if theres parallel universe then sure send me into that one please.

everythings junk nowadays, tech is overpriced so not worth it, jobs are hard to get, so not interested in them, people are so stereortypical that they are boring to even converse with and overly dramatic these past few years have felt like hell trying to get somewhere in life only to be left either needing more things to do to buy to be entertained with only to still feel empty afterwards or disillusioned by it all when u realise how bad for u it is.
bruh Other June 28, 2024 at 6:13 pm 0
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2 Rant Comments
You want people to suffer for not wanting to suffer. You hate people who have happiness or who want happiness because you can't feel at all. You would hurl the whole world into hell if you could but you don't have to. It's always been there.
anonymous 2 days ago
and the point of your comment is?
bruh 2 days ago
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