I cant take it anymore, why are there so many troves of entry level jobs looking, for either a bachelor's masters like it should be entry level. Like how am i going to get so much experience. Not everyone has to time, or ability get and work though internships after internships. It sucks almost done with your degree but feeling like you cant apply anywhere because you have way too practical experience and all entry level jobs and internships for your field have extremely high standards, and you just dont want to live on the street so you cant quit your toxic part time job, which drains your soul
anonymousSchool March 05, 2024 at 3:33 am00
I agree with what you posted due to what I experienced. Seriously, why the fuck are so many people makin' it hard for others to get an' have a job? Just 'cause those employees differ from their employers, it doesn't give the latter the right make former feel like crap. anonymous 6 months ago
1 Rant Comment
anonymous 6 months ago