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Stupid Bitch No one cares

Stupid Bitch No one cares

The fact that you would make a response calling out women getting all of the jobs is ridiculous..

So bitches can make rants about men but when a man calls out stupid omen lke you, you can't take it.

Bitch there's no one way around it, if you're going to be a sexist cunt than be prepared to see what it feels like when the shot is on the other foot.

Nobody cares about your 40 years of work the whole world has changed, in fact why are you even on here anyways you fat cunt?

Just because no man wants to fuck your fat ugly ass don't mean you take it out on men because i'll be glad to say I hate women because you dumb bitches hate men like me and I have every riht to take offense over that you stupid bitch.

Women ain't shit you al lare inferior and constantly blame men for everything and we men ain't putting up with it anymore.

You dumb bitches drive away with the gas pump in the tank while driving and complain about how we can't fill the car up?

Bitch how about I run your stupid ass over with my car.

Better yet i'll take a gun and shoot you right in your ugly face.

I'll be glad to kill all women since all women on this site do is talk shit but play victim when they get called out.

Women are a virus that should be subjected to mass genocide.

Death to all women starting with an uneducated cow like you Lee.

IHATEALLWOMEN Other March 29, 2025 at 8:44 am 1
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8 Rant Comments
Incel, can't get a date. Mom reject you again? Sister cheating on you too? Oh poor baby... Wah wah wah
anonymous 2 days ago
Womp womp incel
Wompwomp 2 days ago
I hope you get and everyone in your worthless DNA tree get killed. Your DNA is unwanted and rejected from ever reproducing.
No regrets. 2 days ago
Cry baby
anonymous 2 days ago
Cry baby
anonymous 2 days ago
Cry baby incel
anonymous 2 days ago
Wah wah wah, want a bottle?
anonymous 2 days ago
Kill yourself, it's your true calling. Your a waste of money and expensive to rehab. There's more women than you in the world.
You'd die before even getting a chance.
But you seem like the person to not have the balls to do anything but complain.
No balls to do anything, but bitch. Like the "bitches" you complain about. So do continue to whine, cry, and bitch like a menstruating women.
God damn, you are pathetic. To think your parents fucked to make you. You are such a failure to them. I pray they are dead and don't have to see the reject they helped make.
anonymous 2 days ago
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