Bitch it's not men who repeat unfunny jokes it's women who constantly complain like bitch it's you who's on repeat.
It's always Woe Is Me with you uneducated bitches.
You know what is an NPc? All of you brainless bitches repeating the same shit on this site and then try to start a Gender War.
Guess what that goes to show why Women all need to be subjected to Genocide they run their mouths and when they get called out you bitches want to play the victim like you always do.
Hy Ughh do the world a favor and go kill yourself you stupid bitch the world doesn't need uneducated balloon brained cunts like you wasting oxygen for the rest of Planet Earth,
menarebetterthanwomenOther September 10, 2024 at 9:23 am00
3 Rant Comments
anonymous 1 month ago
anonymous 1 month ago
anonymous 1 month ago