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You're addicted to taco bell. To cure your addiction I must buy out the franchise and enshittify it.
You are addicted to killing people in video games. I must enshittify the whole video game industry to cure you.
You are addicted to vaping. To save you I must make sure vaping is made illegal in your entire country.
You are addicted to religion and Christianity. I must ensure all religions are banned in your country.
You are addicted to money. I must ensure your entire country returns to the barter system by 2028.
You are addicted to group mentality. I must ensure you are cut off from all friends and family.

I'm sorry. This is all for your own good. You'll be truly happy once freed. I promise.

This is a parody of your mentality.
anonymous Relationships July 08, 2024 at 8:19 am 0
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