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The Earth is flat

The Earth is flat

The Earth is flat and that's a fact! NASA and the government started the lie that the Earth is round. They faked astronauts landing on the moon! If you look at the footage, there are mistakes that show the camera markings behind the astronauts, flag, and equipment when the camera markings should be in front. This was a mistake in editing. The Earth is flat! NASA and the government are lying to you to try and appear superior to Russia!
DON'T BE LIED TO!!! Political August 12, 2018 at 6:46 pm 77
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To appear more superior to Russia?

Kid, get your logic straight first, before you try and prove a conspiracy. If you're seeking attention, good luck.
anonymous 6 years ago
oh boy.

FIRST. the kind of lighting needed to pull off a staged moon landing would be near impossible to get back in 1969, and it would be more expensive to go to the moon than to get those lighting effects.
SECOND. Do you really think that NASA would be able to keep literally everyone who worked on the moon landing silent about it being faked? It's just not doable, at least one person would've called them out.
THIRD. Many people throughout history have proved that the world is round. Prime example: Christopher Columbus, who sailed around the "edge" of the world to get to america. No border. Then there was Eratosthenes, who determined THE EXACT angle of the Earth's curve in his famous shadow wells experiment.

Get your facts straight, don't be an idiot.
anonymous 6 years ago
Yeah, another mentally stunted fucktard … Get an equatorial mount telescope and learn how to use it. They simply wouldn't work on a flat planet. I've used mine for over 20 years, though. I'm surprised you didn't sling that stupid shit around about water finding it's level.. what a crock.. I bet you think there's only one celestial pole, too, huh ? And in ice wall surrounding the entire disc - with the lizard people and angels on constant guard. What about gravity, douche ? And what about the microcosm .. all the laws that apply to this level apply to that one, too ? How about seasons ? Impossible on a flat earth, and your 3000 mile distant sun doesn't accelerate and decelerate to make it seem like seasons are caused by that … Grow the fuck up, do real research, not whatever Eric Dubay says to you...
On, and by the way, don't EVER call me indoctrinated … the church cornered the market on indoctrination quite some time ago.

Roundie 6 years ago
" it would be more expensive to go to the moon than to get those lighting effects."

See? The NASA and the government faked the moon landing, because actually going to the moon is impossible, never happened, and if it were possible it would be too expensive.
DON'T BE LIED TO!!! 6 years ago
Roundie, you are a stupid fucking indoctrinated idiot who drank the government Kool-Aid and believes NASA lies.

The Earth is flat because if you fly in a plane and look at a level, it will appear straight. If the Earth were round, then the level could never be straight because we would be on a giant sphere and could never be completely straight!

Seasons and weather exists because of wind and dust from outer space! Do your research before insulting smarter, more well read free thinkers on the Internet!

The Earth being round is a conspiracy just like 9/11 and lizard people. I bet you listen to Alex Jones!
DON'T BE LIED TO!!! 6 years ago
Don't know who alex jones is, but you're so open minded your flat brain has fallen out. You can think freely all you like, but you're still wrong. "Wind & dust from outer space" ? I thought a giant dome surrounded the disc & outer space was a lie.. ? Along with satellites, etc ? Isn't there water above the firmament ? Where's all that dust coming from ? & if you call me a liar, you're calling everyone below the equator liars, because they have a different night sky .. Different constellations, different direction of rotation, & so on .. & i never really liked kool-aid.
anonymous 6 years ago
Just because the Earth is flat, doesn't mean space is fake. Educate yourself!
DON'T BE LIED TO!!! 6 years ago
Look... I know outer space is real, & I know the earth is spherical in shape.. But you flatties need to come up with some rules or something, because you have little groups splintering off.. Some of you say there's a dome covering the flat earth. Do you agree with that ? Obviously not since you cited outer space. So, would you fight it out with another flattie over the lack of a dome ? Some of you think gravity doesn't exist, some of you think the planets are projections on the dome, some of you think they're real & spherical, but somehow we wound up flat.. You guys are hilarious.
Roundie 6 years ago
The earth it not flat, it is concave . The lean toward the middle explains the gravity. At the edge after the sea there, the water just wraps all the way around on the bottom, in the middle of the bottom there is a small island. This in known as the lost city of Atlantis. There in Atlantis lives the knome King Phil. Phil is an ass.
anonymous 6 years ago
Gravity is real. A dome can be over the Earth, but the Earth itself is still flat.
DON"T BE LIED TO!!! 6 years ago
How about meteors ? There should be an awful lot of broken dome raining down on us.
anonymous 6 years ago
Did you give up "Don't be lied to" ? I was waiting for your explanation of how gravity could make everything else out there spherical.. but little old us got left behind in flattardia .. A dome "can be" over the earth.. so .. which is it ? dome, or no dome ? because either way, your flat earth crumbles onto itself. Also, I was sort of interested in a more detailed explanation of how the space wind and dust gets through it in order to cause seasons down here … bwaa ha ha ha ha ha ha ha haaaaaaa!
Roundie 6 years ago
Scientific facts that were proven by scientists:

1. Meteors aren't real, and are made up by NASA and the government.
2. Gravity doesn't exist, and is made up by NASA and the government.
3. We could put a large dome over Earth, it would fit the Earth despite being flat.
4. The Earth will never crumble upon itself because it is strong.
5. Space wind and dust is blown from outer space. Planets and stars, which are space dust, constantly move around, proving there is wind in space.
DON'T BE LIED TO!!! 6 years ago
Holy shit.. Have fun in your make believe universe.. I love how anything you can't understand or visualize in your feeble mind gets rejected. The best thing about the spherical earth is that it works. The worst thing about your imaginary land is that it shuts you down & makes YOU the sheep. You can't see it, can you ? YOUR flat system is ugly & a disgrace. The real disappointing part is that you'll never know how amazing the universe really is. & for that, I feel bad for you.
Roundie 6 years ago
You are projecting Roundie. Everything you are saying about me, actually applies to yourself. It's a scientific fact that the Earth is flat, and anything else is a cover up.
DON'T BE LIED TO!!! 6 years ago
"Projecting" .. Standard flattie final defense. If you're happy with NASA creating the idea of a round earth, space winds pushing the planets around, meteors being fake, & space dust causing our seasons, there's really nothing else I can say here.
Roundie 6 years ago
Roundie, you are stupid. Get an education!
DON'T BE LIED TO!!! 6 years ago
You can see the Earth is round in the videos of that fool who based jumped from the edge of space. Also in the video feed from the Tesla while on its way to become more space junk. Not to mention all the videos made by people attaching video cameras to high altitude balloons. None of these examples are NASA related. And if the Moon landings were fake, someone would have come forward to collect millions w/ evidence how it was pulled off by now.
anonymous 6 years ago
Earth is a globe! Not a flat.
Trish F. 6 years ago
fuckin flat earthers. you people are a disgrace to the human race, the earth is round. gravity is real because sir Isaac newton proved it. and for fuck sakes look at telescope once in a while or listen to actual REAL scientists like neil degrass Tyson. instead you that sudo science crap.
a real human 6 years ago
WOW The post above had the real truth. In case you missed it, it said: The earth it not flat, it is concave . The lean toward the middle explains the gravity. At the edge after the sea there, the water just wraps all the way around on the bottom, in the middle of the bottom there is a small island. This in known as the lost city of Atlantis. There in Atlantis lives the knome King Phil. Phil is an ass.
anonymous 6 years ago
You're so full of sh*t. I might need to rant about you.
anonymous 6 years ago
Imagine being this stupid.
Theearthisntshapedlikeaplasticplate 4 years ago
Jesus man, you can find a tall building and see the damn curvature of the earth. Sooooo stupid.
Dwayne 4 years ago
I'm with ya man but no one on here will listen, everyone chooses to be ignorant. It sucks but I find it pointless to try and tell people, if they don't discover this stuff on their own they will never actually look into it and give it a chance. By shoving it in their faces it makes us look like crazies and repels them farther and farther away.
Mal 4 years ago
^^ I have a question, depending on the awnswer i might belive you. Why would they fake it, they have no reason to so why?
- 4 years ago
Also "DONT BE LIED TO" you saing that lizerd people dont exist is susssss.
- 4 years ago
^^ is that a joke or smth becuse if not THEN HECK YEAH THIS GUYS A LIZZARD PERSON!!!!
sam 4 years ago
No wonder this country is such a fucking mess now. Dumb shits thinking the world is flat, WTF? Go back to 3rd grade.
Clpz 4 years ago
^^ agreed
- 4 years ago
after reading this i have decided that the human race HAS TO GO
anonymous 3 years ago
Damn right, except for that last part. They're just trying to keep us nice and controlled. Just like the Romans did. Panem et circusa.

anonymous 2 years ago
this is just funny to look at lol.. flat earthers are stupid tho
anonymous 2 years ago
I’m convinced this guy‘s IQ correlated with the amount of likes the original post has; at the time of writing this comment, the likes amounted to 6.
BigDotardEnergy 2 years ago
Not only is there no sign of intelligent life on other planets, flat earthers are proof there's no sign of intelligent life on *this* planet, either.
anonymous 2 years ago
when i looked up most dislikes i expected soemthing like this flat earther.
gave me a great laugh bro thx
anonymous 1 month ago
In a land where the sun shines bright,
Where the giggles dance and the kites take flight,
There lives a notion, so cozy and fine,
The opposite of woke is “Nappy Time.”

With pillows fluffed like clouds of cream,
And dreamers lost in a sleepy dream,
The world’s awake with chatter and rhyme,
But rebels seek slumber, in their own paradigm.

With teddy bears hugged oh-so-tight,
They journey through lands of pure delight,
Where broccoli trees grow candy canes,
And trampoline rivers flow with soda rains.

The alarm clocks beep! Oh no, what a crime!
For the snoozing squad shouts, “We’ll fight it, just climb!”
They pile on the blankets, a fluffy fortress fair,
“Wake us not, for we’re donning our slumberware!”

In the kingdom of Nappy, full of dreams and cheer,
The snoozers march on, with sleepy-eyed sneers,
They giggle and snort, while the world spins around,
But joyously lost in their pillows, they’re found.

So if you find life’s too frantic and stark,
Grab a blanket, a bear, and ignite that sweet spark,
For in the cozy embrace of a slumber divine,
Remember, dear friends, it’s nappy time!
anonymous 4 hours ago
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