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A crisis of not enough babies!

A crisis of not enough babies!

I don't understand women who don't have babies. How can you be female and not want children? That is your most basic instinct ladies! Or it should be! I feel like there is something deeply wrong and gravely undone about females who refuse to be mothers, or prioritize selfish pursuits, money, career, so-called "success", hobbies, travel, interests, social life, sex...over settling for a good guy and creating a family. There has to be some emotional upheaval, or psychological trauma or damage that is turning you ladies away from it, right? I mean, there has got to be something not right? Why can't you all accept that and get the treatment and therapy you need to learn to cope with whatever trauma or daddy or mommy issues you have, or sexual abuse stuff, or unnatural perversions or whatever, and just live a normal life like the Creator intended for you?

It doesn't matter if you like hearing it or not. it is a fact, you were almost ALL, designed, created down to the very last fiber of your being as females, to conceive, be pregnant, carry a child, give birth, and nurture and raise those children. Look at your bodies ladies! Study them if you don't get that. You have wombs, you have ovaries, you have a uterus and cervix, you have eggs have EGGS that are meant to be children! Not just sit in your gut and ROT and decay! You have breasts that lactate to feed a baby. You have hips designed to hoist a child up and carry them around! You're supposed to have an internal, intense drive to WANT to mother, to be maternal, loving, compassionate and caring. To be protective and providing, to want to tend to the needs of children. What happened to you females that that very real and visceral drive has been pushed away from so many of you?

That used to be the number one goal of women! Not a job, not college, not "seeing the world", not writing music or reading or penning a book or making art or going to concerns! Not having a broad circle of friends, or getting involved in politics to the level women are now. It was never about money, or style or fashion or things. It was always CHILDREN, and that requires a MAN and husband like it or not!

Yes, men have a drive to be fathers , but men are designed and created for other natural motivations as well. Men are to be the bread winner, head of the homes, protectors. Men are created to endure more than women, to work long hours, to carry heavy weights, to emotionally manage and logically approach problems in ways that women just are not capable of doing by your very lowest level and existence as females. That isn't a bad thing! It just proves that men and women are NOT equal and DO have very distinct and meaningful purposes! It is why women are generally not good at math or sciences, and why you mostly need accommodations in the work place, because you were never intended to be there! There are many women doing MEN'S jobs now, that they have NO business doing and it shows in their incompetence and inability to perform! It is why women bail out of jobs, where men stay....usually until they are retire!

Very few jobs women are able to navigate. They are some of course, nurse, teacher, nanny, sitter, waitress, stewardess, librarian, secretary, receptionist, hair stylist, meter maid, housekeeper or maid....but that is very limited ladies, and those are "careers" you leave after you marry or become pregnant, and maybe later on return to after the kids go to school, move out, or you get older. They aren't meant to be "careers" , and you aren't professionals. Women can't be professionals. Women can be mothers.

I think so many of you females need your heads checked, by a MALE doctor, and then your reproductive organs as well, to see if the problem lies there.

Less and less women are having children like they should, and it is causing a population crisis! For the first time in history, not enough babies are being made, and it is SCARY for the progress and existence of our very human race! MEN want you to have babies, it is not a problem with men not wanting kids, ladies. This is a YOU problem, a problem with YOU women. You need to get your priorities back in line.
SL's Ranch Home October 05, 2024 at 11:03 pm 3
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7 Rant Comments
Then you figure out how to have them if they are so important to you. The fuck if some low value man gonna come on here and tell us women about they need to do according to his pudgy little Mountain Dew drinking, Pillsbury Doughboy, chinless, thin wristed, unemployable and unfuckable whims.
Olivia 10 hours ago
No one wants your babies Lardloon, you can't get laid because you are repugnant and have a malignent personality. It isn't about women wanting babies or not, They just don't want babies, or sex, or a relationship, or anything to do with you. You make women recoil.
HJ 10 hours ago
Just-ewwww gross. Giving me pedo vibes.
anonymous 9 hours ago
Perhaps this wouldn't be a crisis if you and your bro's stop prematurely aborting those future babies in those dirty socks and crusty couch cushions while watching porn.
Seriously SL Ranch, isn't it time for your mom to pop your ass pimples and snuggle you up in bed?
anonymous 8 hours ago
Every time SL Ranch's mom tries to wean him off her tit he comes on here with this pig headed moronic shit
anonymous 8 hours ago
I'm okay with watch the world due off.
I have plenty of popcorn to watch it happen.
Let the world die, love women! 7 hours ago
Yeah but Scott you are gay so why do you care? We all read you talking about how you had an orgy with that guys gay dads you dirty barstard.
anonymous 3 hours ago
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