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Pro suicide

Pro suicide

I’m pro-suicide. If a person wants to die, let them be. It isn’t selfish at all. Forcing a person to live on this wretched planet, is selfish. Grieving is selfish af. Ain’t gonna bring the person back….. mental illnesses are stigmatized anyway, and bullying is shrugged off, so why tf does anyone gaf about suicide rates??? Also, hate to say it but it isn’t always preventable. Humanity is too crummy for that to become a reality.
No. Religion January 09, 2024 at 12:36 am 0
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7 Rant Comments
Sometimes a hug from a stranger would help you.
Robster 8 months ago
"Grieving is selfiah af."

anonymous 8 months ago
*"selfish af."

Don't be a fucking tool. Engage with people's feelings honestly instead of explaining them away with that bullshit. The biggest decision of anyones life and your going to delude yourself and others that other peoples suffering is meaningless as long as you don't have to deal with it anymore.
anonymous 8 months ago
Canadian citizens can check out any time they like. Makes retirement planning so much easier because there's a choice; you can enjoy the money saved and not have to worry about outliving your money and/or getting bled dry with a continuing decrease in your quality of life by the health care system like here in the US. Life is messy, but they've got MAID service to clean it up.
anonymous 8 months ago
Honestly, I would like to see someone tell someone else to off themselves, I would like to do it, don't think I would. I don't want a hug from a stranger, I don't want to live, I want to die. I wish I didn't feel the resistance to do it. Suffering is really meaningless, and I don't give a fuck if people say go to therapy, that's life, or all that shit, do it, give yourself your very own freedom, just give up.
anonymous 7 months ago
Ugh, I agree with this so much. I am honestly fed up with society’s obsession with suicide prevention. Like, why? Why is suicide even considered that bad to begin with? All the arguments I’ve heard as to why are complete BS such as:
-“it’s selfish.” No it’s not. You know what is though? Forcing someone to live their miserable life so that you don’t have to be sad. Yes, others are going to have opinions about you killing yourself-most likely strongly negative ones. But there are going to be people with negative opinions about any decision you make, whether it’s any of their business or not. I don’t believe in the axiom “you shouldn’t care about what others think” as others’ opinions can most certainly be influential and have an impact on us that can’t be ignored. However, just because these opinions are significant, it doesn’t mean they’re right.
-“life is sacred.” Not only is that hugely subjective but it’s not even necessarily a better outlook than “life is meaningless.” Some lives are clearly better than others and often when someone blabs about the supposed “sanctity of life,” it’s purely a reflection of their own experiences because that’s all they’ve ever known. You don’t have to change your opinion but aknowledging these other perspectives and where they come from without assuming they’re always wrong is more open minded.
-“the contagion effect.” Despite sensationalized reports of suicide leading to “copycat suicides,” there isn’t any solid evidence of this.
-“help is available.” I’m sorry but there really are times where help isn’t available and if you simply cannot acknowledge that I don’t know what to tell you. I am really sick of others giving the same crappy advice such as “go to therapy,” “help is available,” “call a hotline,” “if you didn’t get help the first time just try again,” etc. I get it some had positive experiences with treatment but their experiences do not negate those of the less fortunate. The mental health industry was built in a way that facilitates abuse. From hotlines giving condescending advice, to therapists holding victim blaming attitudes, to the potential of being involuntarily commited because you’re a “danger to yourself or others” even though it’s never specified when that’s the case, psychiatry has some issues it needs to work on and I think it would be nice if for once therapists and psychiatrists acknowledged it and did something instead of dismissing it.
-“it’s a temporary solution to a permanent problem.” Also untrue. If you genuinely believe all problems can be fixed, you have some serious self-reflection to do.
-“it’s always a sign of mental illness.” Possibly one of the easiest and most effective ways i’ve seen people irl and online dismiss someone’s decisions as invalid is by claiming it’s a product of some mental illness and this applies especially for suicide. No matter your reasoning, chances are your ideation is going to be seen as pathological. I could see it for impulsive suicides but some have been thought for a very long time, have reasons relating to one’s life situation (e.g. harassment, discrimination, being stuck in a domestic violence relationship, etc), and are used as a last resort for when all else has failed so to say they’re abnormal is just downright dismissive and callous.
I also don’t understand what the two comments accusing OP of being a “tool” mean but they sound nice. /s
anonymous 2 months ago
suicide is not: selfish, cowardly, irrational, problematic, anti-social behavior, evil, an act of violence, caused by a mental illness, a permanent solution to a temporary problem, or something that needs to be stopped. suicide is a human right. period.
anonymous 3 hours ago
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