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Homework rant

Homework rant

I already made a rant about this before but I’m doing it again because I’m so angry. School isn’t enjoyable. You have to walk around a bunch to get to your classes so that’s not fun. So school sucks. There is more than this tho. Their is teachers that are like “are you sad” just because someone is shy and introverted or something. It’s annoying. And then you have to bring home some homework. And then your time with family, friends, eating, playing, and other stuff is limited because you have to do homework so you don’t fail school and get disowned by your parents. And the questions are so annoyingly stupid and dumb. Like, “Jimmy has 15 carrots, 7 cars, and 4 pieces of bread. How old are Jimmy’s parents if they eat 6 bananas and 8 pieces of chocolate?”
Like girl how tf am I supposed to know.
And then there’s different classes Al with these annoying questions.
And then your parents try to put you in therapy or something just because you struggle with this dumb as fuck and impossible homework
anonymous School September 20, 2024 at 10:21 pm 0
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