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Go Kart Park Fight

Go Kart Park Fight

Me and some friends went to a Go Kart Park and then as we were racing this bunch of losers kept bumping into our karts and it pissed us off so I rammed my cart into one of there's and then this asshole gets out of his kart, I get out of mine and then the fight was on.

me and this dumbass were exchanging punches before his buddies tried to jump in and attack me but my friends got after the mas it turned into an all out free for all at the Go Kart Park.

Me and The Dumbass were fighting in the middle of the racetrack while my friends and these losers fought eachother, knocking over tires, as park goers were chanting FIGHT, FIGHT, FIGHT watching me and my friends trade punches with these dumbasses who wouldn't stop bumping into our karts and ruining the fun we were having all because they wat to act like douchebags.

Then after gaining the upper hand and knocking this douchebag onto the track I slammed his head against my kart and then here comes Track Employees to break up the fights.

I got back in my kart and attempted to run over this piece of shit before I was stopped by employees and they said they called the Cops so I told this mother fucker to shove it up his ass and left before the Cops came.

It took a bunch of losers to really ruin a fun night because they want to behave like morons, fuck em, I hope they get arrested.

anonymous Other September 21, 2024 at 12:38 am 0
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