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VERY homophobic slurs they call people ****, they call people whores, they call people cucks, they call all sorts of names. Horrible names when they’re angry.

I know Daniel called a transgender gas station attendant a transvestite **** one time. He called him sir or something once and she didn’t like it. So Daniel went into a tirade and tried getting her fired.

He has screamed at homeless people “DONT HARASS ME” when all they did was ask for a cigarette or something.

I did hear something he was down town and Thelma told some chick who was asking for tips (she’s another story) to “clean her pussy it smells like fish”
anonymous Sports September 25, 2024 at 12:25 pm 1
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This Daniel sounds great. i dont see the problem.
anonymous 1 day ago
A real conversation I had with a decoy account to a old email of his before he changed it.

Me: Is this Daniel F*****
Dan: Yes may I ask who this is?
Me: I’m Megan, Thelma Darlington gave me your email so I could get into contact with you
Dan: She never said anything to me usually she would talk to me beforehand but what do you need
Me: I had a report of a woman fucking dogs at a sorority
Dan: Usually Shelby deals with that kind of stuff, I would suggest taking to her and submitting your reports to local law enforcement
Me: How can I get involved in what you do
Dan: Help as in how?
Me: Whatever you need sir
Dan: I talked to Thelma and she said she doesn’t know who you are. Who the hell are you?
Me: Dumb fucker you really thought I had videos of chicks screwing dogs sick bastard?
Dan: I don’t know what you have you’re the one who brought it up. Don’t contact me again or I’ll have your ass arrested
anonymous 16 hours ago
Yeah anonymous you don’t know how bad he really is and all his chorines that he has doing his dirty work. If you knew what these people say and do it’s appalling
anonymous 16 hours ago
Daniels a terrible person
anonymous 16 hours ago
Danny needs to go to the mental hospital.
anonymous 6 hours ago
Sounds like Trump "Making America Great Again" in "Great Embarrassment".
anonymous 6 hours ago
This man is clearly one of us and for sure has all the gear, the bibes, the hats, the flags, the wipes, the hats, the flags, the hats, the mugshot posters and the hats to prove it. He an us'n will not be afraid of the grate Ministry of Fear like y'all oughta be.
trump4evber 6 hours ago
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