Watching people get to hear the sweet and encouraging things you desperately want/need to hear is so hard! I wish I got to experience this just once! But I know I won't. On the other hand, it's not that bad, I don't really like attention anyway.
anonymousRelationships March 14, 2025 at 5:09 pm00
Well I don’t know you and you don’t know me. But I hope your life will be full of happiness and prosperity! And know that you deserve to also be love just as anyone else. You are also just as kind, smart, funny, and gifted as everyone else. And an important thing to learn in life is to love yourself first to love others and be love by others. (As much as that sounded cliche lol). Bc you can’t expect others to love and support you to fill that empty feeling in you without your own love. Self love goes a long way, it helps you appreciate yourself and grow as a person who is able to share that beautiful part of yourself to the world. Anyways hope things go well in your life bud!!! :^) ~your random internet user ;) anonymous 20 hours ago
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anonymous 20 hours ago