Fuck all porn content creators (especially the female ones and especially the lesbian or bi ones) and the people behind the platforms who suppprt their garbage such as Pornhub, OnlyFans, Chaturbate, Reddit etc. May they all burn in hell, forever.
anonymousRelationships March 15, 2025 at 12:59 pm36
Yes! They're everywhere, I'm on Twitter and it's overrun with them! Prior to going private, they kept following me all the time and I had to block them one by one. They kept liking my tweets as soon as I posted them, even if they weren't following me. I might add, my account is cats and Disney themed, so I'd like to keep it sfw. They didn't care. One of them sent unwanted nudes to my friend. I'm glad they can't harass me anymore. anonymous 5 hours ago
1 Rant Comment
anonymous 5 hours ago