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I really HATE all this young lingo

I really HATE all this young lingo

Like I'm not old. I'm around 30, and I find myself thinking how I just don't understand people around my age. The lingo they use is retarded. "Slay" "Fire" etc. How common it is for someone now to bring up therapy and make it a joke like "quirky person over here" and pulling the mental health card? Same with shit about sexuality, having to sprinkle into every conversation some hint about maybe not being 100% straight. Not too long ago people didn't do any of this.

I am a bi-sexual who has struggled with mental shit. Do I tell anyone either of those things? No. Because neither thing is the core of my personality, and most people aren't so bland and dull that they make those things their identifier. My attraction towards women or some males like the one who fixed his hair after I looked at him earlier, is not anyone else's business. It's like liking pizza, you don't make that the core of who you are, it's just something you like. No big deal.

And maybe having a shitty upbringing is part of why I get annoyed by these people's immaturity. Everything they do is just attention seeking and fake in my eyes. Like it's like they think the world revolves around them, whatever imaginary drama they create for themselves is more important than everyone else's, and whatever halfassed opinion/news piece/meme they read online is parroted back like they are being clever. These people are like bad sitcom characters, and then everything is always about TV. TV and video games. Like even when I used to have to immerse myself in that shit, I didn't make it the core of my personality. How and why is it that these people who got to have more (just a basic ability to live) growing up turn out to be even more socially inept than I am?
anonymous Other March 15, 2025 at 4:02 am 0
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bro that's legit how it's always been, people copy other people and spread what they hear, everything is a remix, nothing is truly totally original, and every idea came from somewhere, the internet just exacerbates that by giving people more content to work with. Also, I don't know a single 30 year old who would not be shunned by the internet if they talked like that, "Slay" is saved for the kind a dumb girls or even dumber gay guys, and "Fire" is saved for the mid-teens to early-twenties people who are also kinda dumb.

I do completely agree on you with the whole sexuality thing, like we don't gotta be telling everyone, like you aren't who you have sex with, and if you are than what you mean is your sad. and jobless. get employed.

However as for the TV and Videogames thing, no shit we're going to all love and play and obsess over them, they are some of the coolest shit we've made as people, like holy fuck in like just over a hundred years, not even for the internet, we went form having nothing to being able to create complicated worlds of our very own and we're the generation that gets to be the first ones to have them with easy access and growing up. What I do believe is that young kids should NOT be babysat by tablets. Letting them play games eventually? Yes, definitely, I think that's great, I would be a very different person today without tech and I doubt it would be a good thing, I bet I'd be the dumbest dumbfuck the world would have seen but like, dude Cocomelon is a shit babysitter.

Also, you make your hobbies a core part of your personality right? Well Gaming is seeping into being an actual hobby more and more every day. It's my hobby, that's why it's a key part of my personality. It's just something I love doing that allows me to express myself creatively and helps me unlock other passions, like content creation, graphic design, all that jazz, like gaming is pretty damn cool you gotta admit.

I won't even mention, by the way, that every generation has stupid slang. you say your in your thirties? That means your around a 1995 baby, so I'll broaden that to just 1990's, but which means you grew up with millennial slang, late 1990's to early 2000's had plenty of slang. You guys made Chillax, LOL, Sick, Noob, heck ya'll invented Your Mom jokes (I think) so like, saying it's an us problem is kinda retarded, sure you're slang isn't Gen Alpha levels of stupid but it's all pretty dang stupid.

JSYK I didn't mean to write just a long comment lol, I'm really low-key a chill guy, but sometimes I talk too much yk
Ruination 4 hours ago
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