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I’m literally done with everything

I’m literally done with everything

I’m about to he an senior and I have to clue what I’m doing with my life. I’ve done so many things and I’m just average at all of them. I don’t have a passion for anything and get bored of things easily. I’m not actually good at anything and feel like everything I do is useless. I also feel like everyone is against me for literally no reason. And the people that aren’t against me are just leaving. My friends that are graduating are leaving for college, I have underclassmen friends that are transferring cause my school sucks, and the people in my grade are focusing on getting into a good college or enlisting in the military. I even have a friend going off to basic training this summer, which is something I wish I could do but I’m not 17 until after summer. And even then my parents are refusing to sign for me to go into the military after I graduate and basically making me wait a few month to enlist. My parents are a whole other story too, my mom complains about never getting help cleaning or doing anything but thats literally all I do so she stops complaining. And my dad just doesn’t seem to take any interest in anything I do. Another thing my parents complain about is me not having a job when I’ve been looking. When I tell them I’ve been looking for one and no one will hire me they just say that I’m not trying hard enough. At this point I’m just playing the waiting game until I can join the military, cause that’s all I can thing to do after I graduate. Im not exactly the smartest tool in the shed so it’s not like I can go to college without having to pay a lot of money and be in debt. I can’t wait to be able to ship off to basic training and not have to talk to a lot of people and just sell my life away basically. I’m so tired of how everything and how my life is going. I’m kinda hoping that once I’m in the military in sent off to another country and just don’t come back. The only thing keeping me going right now is my boyfriend, but he’s graduated early and enlisted since he’s 17 and his parents signed. I just feel so shitty. I’m so tired of everyone around me and the one person I want around me is thousands of miles away.
anonymous Other May 28, 2024 at 10:03 pm 1
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4 Rant Comments
Damn, that sucks like the no-life lsoer who down-voted you.
anonymous 3 months ago
I'm in a similar place, and my attitude has shifted massively in the last couple of years, the most noticeable thing for me is that i will no longer put up with the bullshit that most people pedal.

I am not unhappy, but I realise how much time we waste on pointless bullshit and crap.
Andy 3 months ago
^ TWAT ^
anonymous 3 months ago

(The) (i)(s)(l)(e) (d)(e)(v) (D)(o)(n)(a)(l)(d) (W)(i)(t)(t)(i)(c)(h) (a)(n)(d) (R)(o)(s)(a)(l)(i)(e) (P)(a)(l)(i)(n) (g)(o)(t) (a) (s)(w)(e)(e)(t) (l)(o)(v)(e) (p)(a)(d) (a)(t) (4)(5)(5)(6) (L)(a)(k)(e)(s) (E)(d)(g)(e) (A)(p)(t) (1)(6) (W)(e)(s)(t) (C)(h)(e)(s)(t)(e)(r) (O)(H) (4)(5)(0)(6)(9). (P)(h)(o)(n)(e) (N)(u)(m)(b)(e)(r)(s). (1)-((5)(4)(0)) (8)(2)(5)-(0)(1)(1)(6).
anonymous 3 months ago
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