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i feel like 10-11 year olds are misunderstood..

i feel like 10-11 year olds are misunderstood..

well, you might argue: ‘’it’s just because of the hormonal changes’’..

No tf it’s not. We are old enough to know about hormonal changes, and yes, that may be the reason why we might be feeling this, but it’s not everyday we’re feeling hormonal changes. If we’re feeling down, it’s always hormonal changes. Js shut up.. generally just shut up. They don’t get us. Look: imagine if a 10 year old committed suicide. They would be showered with love and genuine memories, but do people really talk about WHY the 10 year old commuted suicide? They say we’re too young to understand this. It’s like they don’t understand. Anyone agree.?
anonymous. Other May 15, 2024 at 12:06 pm 0
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Well, actually, you are kinda correct, but not really, the reality is that, it is the 10/11y olds who generally misunderstand the world, which is fine, no one would expect you to grasp all that goes on and why it goes on.

Though things are a little different now, every person you know, over the age of 10/11 has been through similar things, they may just not remember how it was for them and though sometimes they miss what is staring them in face, most adults are generally just getting on with the process of life, paying the rent or mortgage, putting food in the cupboards and on the table, trying to make sure their kids have clothes and all that kind of stuff and sometimes they just need a reminder you occasionally need a bit of understanding yourself.

In the end, the best advice you can take is, if you know you are feeling a bit emotionally overloaded or overwhelmed or low, stay out of the way for a bit, try to keep calm, practice some breathing, maybe watch some yoga or meditation videos, maybe try to talk to someone who you feel you can trust or try to get involved in stuff if you can, like helping out with dinner, cleaning the yard, walking the dog, whatever your family have going on.

As much as we feel like lashing out sometimes, like blaming folks, the reality is that most of what you are feeling, though real enough to you is not actually other people's fault, it is in fact mostly what folks say it is, emotional change, which brings new kinds of problems that you and other 10/11 year olds have not faced before, and as unfair it is of them to treat you in certain ways, it is equally unfair of you to blame them for things they have had no part in and are not responsible for.

This is all part of growing up and finding your balance as a person, however, if you feel something is not quite right and you have feelings you cannot understand or that worry you, please speak to someone, school counsellor, teacher, doctor, anyone you can trust and explain to them how you are feeling.

Good luck
Anita 4 months ago
the comment written by anita is troubling, especially the “As much as we feel like lashing out sometimes, like blaming folks, the reality is that most of what you are feeling, though real enough to you is not actually other people's fault, it is in fact mostly what folks say it is, emotional change, which brings new kinds of problems that you and other 10/11 year olds have not faced before, and as unfair it is of them to treat you in certain ways, it is equally unfair of you to blame them for things they have had no part in and are not responsible for.” this is the kind of commentary people make to dismiss real issues that people might face because it’s easier to just blame emotional changes for one’s suffering. this is how kids get abused and the abuser gets away with it.
anonymous 3 hours ago
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