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Autistic people- sorry, let me rephrase that... "aUtIsTiC" people, as in those who think/claim they're autistic because they read and article online, or took a quiz that claimed they had one or two symptoms of "autism" are honestly such a plague to society. Autism has become nothing more then a fad and it's so annoying, especially when they think they can use it as a valid excuse to be a shitty person. I can't tell you how many times I've seen profiles that say "I'm autistic, so please watch your tone with me." then they proceed to comment on posts just being the literal WORST human being to people. When they're called out for it, they just reply with "I'M AN AUTISTIC MINOR, LEAVE ME ALONE!" Nah, you're a fucking idiot who needs to be beaten by your parents.

Maybe most of these people are actually autistic. I mean, you'd have to be to think neopronouns are valid. Or that your opinion on things that upset you, is valid. They're not. You're not valid and you never will be. That's why you have to escape online to find others with your delusions because society wont accept a freak like you. Honestly, people like that are the reason abortion should remain legal.

I LOVE the people who try to come at me with "Why does it bother you? Leave them alone!" They're the same people who are so quick to say things like "Well, if you post this on the internet, prepare for criticism!" Welcome to the real world. If you're not only going to flaunt your autism, but use it as an excuse to be an asshole. Then I have every right to call you out, and look at you in disgust. I have never felt so much hatred for a group of people, then I do for those who claim to be autistic by self diagnosing. Everyone is autistic these days. Everyone is mentally ill. In short, no one wants to be a productive member of society, so they find things that are easy to lie about in hopes to get out of working or going to school, or being social.

Just because you flap your hands with excitement, doesn't mean you're autistic. Just because you enjoy a show/movie/series and fixate on it, doesn't mean you're autistic. Stop trying to gather sympathy from people online because your parents don't love you. Stop trying to seek validation in strangers because you have no real friends. Grow the fuck up and get a life. Stop trying to act like people should give a shit about you and your problems because you're "autistic."

Minors are also getting annoying. They think they're untouchable because they're a minor. They can say or do whatever they want, but if you call them out they're just "Oh, you're arguing with a minor. Grow up!" Or maybe you can? Just because you're 15-17, doesn't mean you're untouchable. Your parents should beat you senseless because you think you're on top of the world. It's also minors who are forcing this mass plague of "autistic, mentally ill, offended by everything" belief on others. You people really need a reality check. I honestly think we as a society need some sort of traumatic event to happen. I'd love to watch some idiot tell the people attacking us "I'm autistic! Leave me alone!" only to get bitch smacked in the face and threatened to be shot. NO ONE CARES!

I literally almost went off on this dumb bitch I saw at the store the other day because her and her little friend were being extra in public for no reason. They were dressed like wanna be emos, but looked like straight up trash and they stank when you walked past them. There was a machine going and they both covered their ears like "lol we're autistic and over stimulated!" One of the bitches had slices up and down her arms, but the top parts of them. Yeah, okay cunt. If you actually wanted to kill yourself, they'd be on the inside, up the veins and hidden from others. Not on the outside of your arms, across them for everyone to see. You just want attention. I should have reported her to CPS or something so they could send her to a mental hospital for "help" since she's CLEARLY so mentally ill and "autistic." if attention was what she wanted, I gladly would have gotten someone to rip her from her friends and family and throw her in a mental ward for observation since she was a "danger to herself."

In short. You're not autistic. So stop acting like you are. You're making a mockery of those who actually do have autism, and I feel no sympathy for you at all. Don't expect special treatment from me, because you're not deserving of it. If you're going to plaster this shit all over the internet, then I'm allowed to mock you, make fun of you and call you out on it. Why is it something you have to flaunt? Keep shit private, otherwise, all I see it as is fake attention seeking.
Anonymous Other August 19, 2023 at 11:08 pm 0
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5 Rant Comments
I cannot agree more. I see so many people who used self-diagnosed ADHD as an excuse to be an inconsiderate, shitty person. I know one person who actually has ADHD and was diagnosed by a competent person, you'd never notice it. Meanwhile the self-diagnosed people are all "You can't expect me to meet deadlines or do anything and if I'm an asshole then that's the ADHD too" it's sickening.
anonymous 1 year ago
You sound really dumb.
anonymous 1 year ago
I have to admit, it does make it hard for those of us who are autistic, when people who aren't, but want to have a shield to hide behind, claim they're autistic. I'm not against self diagnosis, not at all, it can be expensive, with long waiting times to see someone qualified to diagnose you, but I am against using it as a shield to defend yourself from valid criticism.
Actually Autistic 1 year ago
Live long and prosper. All the best.
pilgrim 1 year ago
I’ve been bullied before and then the person literally harassing me and sending me fucking death threats says “I’m autistic you can’t talk to me like that” and I’m autistic so it annoyed me so hard bc they’re such a shitty person I don’t care if they have autism or not it’s no excuse for literally being a bitch
anonymous 2 hours ago
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