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Helplines don't help

Helplines don't help

What is the point of a suicide helpline? They've never helped at all for me. Do they genuinely help people? Or is it just something put together by people who want to assuage their guilt about the world being shit and doing nothing to make it better, so they make those helplines to make them feel like they've done the bare minimum?
anonymous Other August 06, 2024 at 10:01 am 1
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3 Rant Comments
You are stupid and and you don't respect yourself because you want to commit suicide and take your own life because life is precious and short and you don"/ get to do the things you want to do.
Anonymous 1 month ago
Did you call one? How did it go?
anonymous 1 month ago
to the first comment, fuck you!
anonymous 3 hours ago
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